Zodiac MK1 Questions


Mar 25, 2012
Hi there,

Long time reader, first time poster.

I've inherited a Zodiac MK1, manufactured in June 87. The last time this was used was in 92. Since then it was in storage. The last time it was used it was cleaned up for storage. It was never used in salt water, only in freshwater lakes.

I inflated it and checked the pressure over 2 days where it held the proper pressure from the gauge that was in the kit.

There are no holes and most of the seams are in good shape. All the valves hold up on pressure.

All the chambers are in great shape and so is the center chamber that runs underneath the floor boards. The body is very flexible and folds up very well.

I will have to refinish the wood floors as most of the varnish has started to flake.

My question is, there is a seam that runs on either side of the tubes on the inside that's started to come lose, maybe an 1/8" of an inch but the rest is still glued to the tubes. Is there any glue I can use to reseal that? I'm assuming eventually that will work it's way lose if I don't do something.

Also, the hand holds on the sides have come off; can I clean up the dried glue and re-glue them on?

I really want to get this back into tip top shape and share my experiences in this inflatable with my kids. It holds some good memories which is why I didn't want to put it to the curb or give it away. I'm hoping it's still functional.

Thoughts, recommendations would be greatly appreciated.


Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
Re: Zodiac MK1 Questions

Welcome to the forums,

Can you place some pics to see the real damage, have not specified which MK1 model you have, there are futura, touring, which uses same nomenclature. You can reglue near everything back, just use proper cleaning solvents like mek to clean old glue and prepare fabric's surface, 2 part pvc glue, proper room temperature and know what you're doing. But being a 25 year oldie, probably on the short run all parts will become loose, time to buy a new one or pay $$$ to have all boat re glued back...

Happy Boating