With prices on the way up..


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
With prices on things on the way up, I would like to hear how you guys/gals economize the cost of your boat use. I don't mean cutting on the quality of the oil or essential items for the longivity and saftey of the boat but the items used while enjoying your boat.<br /><br />I have always been a fan of fruit sodas. Grape, Orange, strawberry and the like. And I can buy the off brands for around $3 a case. Looks like I will be using the anchor a little more this summer and I continue to read the posts here to make myself more competent to do my own service. Owning any boat isn't cheap, but lets hear how you all are able to extend your boating dollars. ;)


May 17, 2001
Re: With prices on the way up..

Hey thats easy. Work for a company that gives you a credit card for expenses. OOPS that won't work either, you'll get busted then you will have to sell the boat due to loss of job or jail.<br /><br />I probably will continue to look for the best bargins for equipment and materials. As for gas, invite friends to go out with the understanding that they all will pitch in for fuel. Nobody rides for free.<br /><br />Now about that boat ride, do I pay for the gas? :D


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: With prices on the way up..

Hey,<br /><br />Good morning Mayfloat. I love my boat but I am not going to jail to keep it full of gas. But if things get desparate, you never know. :p <br /><br />As for the ride, traveling iboat dignitaries ride for free. ;)


May 17, 2001
Re: With prices on the way up..

Thanks Pointer Your post did bring to my attention to finding a way to secure my engine hatch and gas cap. Need to discourage those people who have a poor mans credit card (a length of hose)!


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: With prices on the way up..

Sorry to hear they are running your training like boot camp. We have a training program at our company and we have found that anything over 8 hours, in virtually any format, is a waste of time. The information retention rate drops dramitically. Of course if you give them too much time and attendance rates drop. (Hangovers) :p <br /><br />Looks like crummy weather this entire week so it might have been impossible anyways. Enjoy your classes and drop me a note here if you get some time for a beer. :cool:


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: With prices on the way up..

I'll float a loan...Get it? "Float"? yukyuk....<br />But seriously folks -- I don't worry about it. If it ever reaches that drastic level of interfering with my fun, my family will just revert back to the way it developed (the family, i mean). We are so very conditioned to doing without, or cutting corners, that it has become second nature.<br />Make no mistake tho, the good Lord has seen fit to provide all our basic needs since the begining. I'll trust in him until the end.


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: With prices on the way up..

this is one of the main reasons I chose my new/old<br />light AL boat with a inline 4cyl. she won't win<br />many races, but will be easier on the wallet than<br />a 5.7L V8 for sure!


Mar 4, 2002
Re: With prices on the way up..

For now, I use a trolling motor to fish.<br /><br />As far as tubing, or skiing? Nope.<br />I doubt I'll be doing much (if any) of that.<br />The 305 just loves too much gas.<br />The boat sits in the garage 90% of the year.<br />I'm beyond po'd at the gas prices. There's no reason for them to be so high.<br />Once again...gouge-me-Oregon (more specifically..my town) is one of the highest in the nation of gas prices. I seen $2.25 for REGULAR yesterday. <br /><br />I've actually been trying to sell my boat. Unfortunately, I doubt I'd get what I owe so I might as well keep it. I also thought of just letting the bank having it back, but I value my credit too much.<br /><br />What do you do?<br /><br /><br />H.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: With prices on the way up..

I'll be using more of the hundreds of lures I have collected, and less live bait. <br /><br />And as its getting harder for me to make full day or weekend trips, I will be fishing more of the small and tiny lakes closer to home. Which means I will also be using the smaller 12' boat and the 4 and 15 hp motors, instead of the 16' and the 70hp.


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: With prices on the way up..

I was planning to haul my boat from Rochester,NY to Cape Cod and stay there for a week boating and fishing.Now it looks like I'll stay within 80 miles from home.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 1, 2003
Re: With prices on the way up..

I'm gonna start by pouring the lawn mower gas in the boat, sell the lawnmower to buy some additional tackle and let the lawn go to prarie grass. Besides when the wife see's the lawn the only place I'll be safe is on the lake. <br /><br />Actually since the boat is paid for boating is one of the better ways to save money for me. If not I would be spending it faster on projects around the homstead. If you think gas etc is expensive you should price lumber...I can go thru more lumber in a day than I can boat gas and snacks for the kids. Besides arn't these sopposed to be the memory years for my kids.

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: With prices on the way up..

:)Talk about gas going up!!!<br /><br />How about a gallon of milk!!! Went from 2.99 to 3.69 a gallon!!! That's about a 23.5% increase in one jump!!!<br /><br />I'll bet the farmer isn't getting any part of that increase!!! :) ;) :cool:

Bob in Calif.

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Nov 4, 2002
Re: With prices on the way up..

It's roughly 1200 miles each way from my place on the SF Peninsula, to the town I go to on the Sea of Cortez, on mainland Mexico. In my book it's well worth it.<br /><br />Due to the higher fuel costs, I'll just have to tell my wife I have to stay longer on the next trip, to make the trip count. :cool: <br /><br />Gas isn't cheap in Mexico anymore, but the price has been fairly stable for the last several years. It runs about $2.30, per US gallon. (converted) That is for 92/93 octaine, which doesn't have any of the "Enviro Nazi" attitives in it. It is excellent gas, which I use in my Ford E250, XLT Club Wagon, with the 460 engine. I also use the 92/93 octaine in my outboard, with no ill effects and GREAT performance and better economy at the same speeds. <br /><br />I brought home 30 gallons in my boat tanks, to use in my small tractor and my gas powered tools. What a world of difference compaired to the "special" Calipornia crap.<br /><br />Hopefully I will able to spend a month down there this year, after I sell one of my houses in a couple months.<br />Let's see....keep the other house and don't fish much, or sell the house and enjoy myself to the max????? The answer doesn't take much guess work, does it? :D :D :D <br /><br />...Bob in Calif...


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: With prices on the way up..

I'm thinking row boat... :D <br /><br />Actually, I'm loosing my best ol' long time fishing bud and family to his new job in Texas very shortly.. :( We only have about a month left to do a bunch of fishing before they leave for who knows how long... May not see each other for quite a while... For now, it's no expense spared... :cool:


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: With prices on the way up..

Sorry to hear the news of you losing your best friend to relocation. It takes such a long time to meet someone you can call "best friend".


Mar 14, 2003
Re: With prices on the way up..

Especially, if your best friend has all the latest lures/goodies etc. ;) Seriously, I lost my best fishing pal along time ago. No one else seems to put up with me as good as him. Dang, I miss his boat. :( He moved out of state.


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: With prices on the way up..

rolmops, drive the 45min. from ra-cha-cha and<br />go out with me at oak orchard river? <br />(open invite)


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: With prices on the way up..

I won't change my boating habits much, but I'll change my spending habits to compensate. I don't need to buy every DVD thats comes out, I don't need to order pizzas all the time. All I have to do is skip one DVD and one pizza a month and that takes care of the fuel costs. I am no fan of it, and I know it is nothing more than price gouging, but what can you do? Maybe the prices will go back down, maybe not. All we can do is adapt.


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: With prices on the way up..

Good question<br />We always go out for week in June. That little 4 cylinder is pretty easy on gas. But towing both the trailer and boat round trip will be a little spendy this year. Grrrrrrrr Might be cheaper to mount a kicker bracket and try using a trolling motor.