Where to go in Baffin Bay...update


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 22, 2002
I have been out on Baffin several times in my new boat since I last posted. The fishing was slow back in Feb, but it has picked up considerably. I found a decent hole off of Kenedy point. I limited out on black drum, and caught a couple of trout when I first found it, and it has produced 3 more limits of blacks, a 28 inch Redfish, several 18+ inch black drum and trout. The best day, however, was yesterday. I took my 6 year old daughter out for her first real fishing trip, and she caught 5 17 inch drum and about 8 or 9 smaller ones that we had to release, though she couldn't understand why :) She is hooked, and I have a great fishing buddy. Fatherhood is grand! :D <br /><br />cvlngineer