When your having troubles remember why (short story)


May 4, 2001
Boats are a wonderful thing -- they bring people together. The last couple of years I have taken 6 weeks off in the summer (2 weeks at a crack), to take my 3 boys camping on an island in the Mississippi River. We set up the camp with all of the supplies necessary for rustic living, our family and friends come out (for day visits or overnight/weekends). <br /><br />I load my boat far beyond capacity to get all my gear to the island, and force my motor to run wide open while barely being able to move the boat, for miles against the current. Many people come without boats and I become the island/dock shuttle service, which at times can be challenging since my boat (16’ Smokercraft) is powered by 1990-25hp Mercury. <br /><br />My motor is not treated right; I do not take her to the dealer for tune-ups. Winterizing is running out the gas, getting ready for the season is adding gas and checking the oil level in the lower unit. I drive my motor through some of the rockiest waters in my area. After numerous rock strikes, the latch that locks in the down position is missing the plastic coating, and scarcely holds the motor down. <br /><br />My Father and Mother join us in an early 70’s jon-boat powered by an Evinrude of the same vintage. Of course his motor gets pretty much the same treatment as mine (like father like son). To make it worse his motor requires a two-handed pull (pulls) to start. <br /><br />One day, my father was late showing up, some passers-by on the river swung in to my secret fishing spot and said your Dad is floating down the river. We pulled up anchor and went to find him. He was about a mile down river his motor was running but he was not going anywhere. We towed him up river to our camp, and pulled his motor to take it to the shop. It turned out, that if you hit a rock the prop spins loose on the hub (mimicking a slipping transmission problem). He borrowed a friend’s 1998 Evinrude, so they could keep fishing for the day. We brought the motor out to the island hooked it up and thought he was good to go for the day. That afternoon, my Dad left to pick up my Mom at the dock, and did not return for some time, for the second time I went looking for them. I found them at the dock; sweat was pouring off my father. He could not get the motor started (after trying hundreds of times). I helped him go through the logical checks, gas, spark and … air. Upon inspection I found that a sticker from the inside of the motor cover had come unglued and lodged in the carburetor. Once removed it started immediately, and a sigh of relief came from my father (he thought he would not only have to pay his own shop bills but pay to have his buddies motor looked at too).<br /><br />I have been shopping til’ I drop to find an affordable 40hp to power-up my boat. Tonight I have suspended the search. I read on this page all of the troubles that people have, and I stopped to ask myself; why should I buy someone’s unwanted motor, when I got one that has never let me down. I have decided that it is better to take slow over no-go. I frequently kiss my motor and thank her for getting us around another trip without any problems. I am not naive, I know the day will come when she will need TLC, and then I will be here searching for advice.<br /><br />So what’s the moral of the story?<br /><br />Spend time with your kids, family and friends; if a boat helps you do that it’s money well spent (you can tell your wife I said so). <br /><br />See what I mean:<br /><br />My Mom, Dad, and the boys:<br /> www.geocities.com/clark_vacation2/boat2.jpg <br /><br /><br />My boat doesn’t ask for much - beached and filled with water after a violent storm:<br /> www.geocities.com/clark_vacation/beached.jpg


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: When your having troubles remember why (short story)

Pclark, What better use of a boat is there?<br />Sounds like God's country too. I haven't had the chance to get away from my work for quite some time, and it looks like July before I do. Was gonna take the grandbuddy<br />fishing last night,but the conditions in the gulf were just too rough (for the 3rd week in a row!!!!!)...But the boat is stil hooked-up to the truck,all ship shape,rods stowed and rigged....And it WILL get wet this weekend,or I am calling-in sick Monday
<br />I'm sorry for the long-winded response, but I'll shorten it up. If I spend my off hours in ther eavening futzing with an old outboard, I must enjoy it. It does kinda relax me (my job is somewhat stressfull).<br />So, I don't mind getting my hands dirty.<br />But when that outboard leaves my shop,it leaves 100%.The Gulf of Mexico claimed many lives,and not me,not today. But maybee tommorow if this dangol WIND DIES DOWN!!!!<br />I guess it's what we all work for. BTW, nice pictures. Here is to many more summers on the water. http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/seanzaw/myhomepageindex.html <br /><br /><br /><br />------------------<br />the Early bird get's the worm...So, he don't have to stop for bait.


May 4, 2001
Re: When your having troubles remember why (short story)

Nice Pics - 12footer. Another boater that's out for the right reasons. I'm jealous of your location, gotta love the opportunity to run your boat year round. I'm in MN, so we gotta pack as much fun in as we can as fast as we can.<br /><br />Take it easy, and I hope you weather cooperates this weekend.<br /><br />Perry