welding galvanized steel


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: welding galvanized steel

most welders hate galvanized.


Jan 10, 2009
Re: welding galvanized steel

most welders hate galvanized.

although I appriciate your opinion. thats what it is an opinion and no way fact. Did you read the facts stated in the artical?
Lots of things are dangerous to work with. fiberglass, rezins, epoxys, and so on. If the proper precautions are taken. its not really a big deal. ;)


Vice Admiral
Aug 12, 2007
Re: welding galvanized steel

Most people don't weld enough for it for it to be a problem, if you did it as your job then a respirator would be required.

As Buckeyboy said, lots of things are dangerous, how many people wear a respirator the entire time they are messing with fiberglass or paint?

I would guess not many and as I said, unless you weld alot it really isn't a problem but still a good article.

Anodized aluminum is the same, welded ALOT of that over the years and it is nasty too both to breath and try to weld.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 8, 2008
Re: welding galvanized steel

Hi this is a good artical did you read it befor you did your home made T top? or after:D


Jan 10, 2009
Re: welding galvanized steel

I have been welding aluminum mild steel stainless steel and other metals for years. honestly I have done research years ago on all kinds if metals so I know what to expect.. so yes I have read up on galvanzed before I did this.
no welding is good at all to breath. whenever I can I weld outdoors. made this top in my driveway.. ;)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 13, 2007
Re: welding galvanized steel

Good read... Thanks!

Very timely for me, as the POCO just dismantled a large transmission tower in my yard... Lots of good angle laying around... may have gotten lost;)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 10, 2006
Re: welding galvanized steel

I may have joined this party late. But here is my .04 cents worth, Obama's inflation.

I speak as someone who came out of high school in the late sixties and begin working in the Portland shipyards as a third generation Coast Guard Certified welder. I have welded miles of handrail, miles of gangplanks, and stadium size fields of elevated walkways all of them constructed of hot dipped galvanized most of it twice as thick as anything I have seen in recent times.

TD is 100% correct ?welders hate galvanize? if anyone writing in this post has ever had what is referred in the trades as ?galvanize poisoning? you would have clue as to why. I personally have had it three separate times in my life, each time worst than the time before. Until I read this article I was under the impression that as zinc sulfates built up in your blood system the effects were accumulative. I understand now that this was probably not the case.

As for the comparison to a case of the flu, this is a great understatement and I feel this comparison is used because it is the only thing that comes close to helping those who have never had ?galvanize poisoning? comprehend what it feels like. Depending on the length of exposure the actual effects can be ten times as severe as the average flu case, not withstanding the thousands who die each year from influenza.

As a point of interest 5150afb there was a time before you started your career that respirators were not readily available. I understand that as a result of those who came before you that respirators are now required, sadly that was not always the case. But please be sure that it is the correct type of respirator, with the gas filters you?re wearing if you are welding galvanizing.

As in many work environments much is now known that wasn?t before and yes galvanize can be welded safely. And a quality job can be issued, but if you ask that welder how he feels about welding galvanize I am will to bet he says "He HATES IT".


Jan 10, 2009
Re: welding galvanized steel

I may have joined this party late. But here is my .04 cents worth, Obama's inflation.

I speak as someone who came out of high school in the late sixties and begin working in the Portland shipyards as a third generation Coast Guard Certified welder. I have welded miles of handrail, miles of gangplanks, and stadium size fields of elevated walkways all of them constructed of hot dipped galvanized most of it twice as thick as anything I have seen in recent times.

TD is 100% correct ?welders hate galvanize? if anyone writing in this post has ever had what is referred in the trades as ?galvanize poisoning? you would have clue as to why. I personally have had it three separate times in my life, each time worst than the time before. Until I read this article I was under the impression that as zinc sulfates built up in your blood system the effects were accumulative. I understand now that this was probably not the case.

As for the comparison to a case of the flu, this is a great understatement and I feel this comparison is used because it is the only thing that comes close to helping those who have never had ?galvanize poisoning? comprehend what it feels like. Depending on the length of exposure the actual effects can be ten times as severe as the average flu case, not withstanding the thousands who die each year from influenza.

As a point of interest 5150afb there was a time before you started your career that respirators were not readily available. I understand that as a result of those who came before you that respirators are now required, sadly that was not always the case. But please be sure that it is the correct type of respirator, with the gas filters you?re wearing if you are welding galvanizing.

As in many work environments much is now known that wasn?t before and yes galvanize can be welded safely. And a quality job can be issued, but if you ask that welder how he feels about welding galvanize I am will to bet he says "He HATES IT".
I also understand your point I think I would hate welding miles of any metal.
were talking about a modest amount of welding with great time intervals between welds. on a home made t top.. argon, ozone can be just as deadly and are used daily. as far as speaking for other welders thats subjective and subject to personal opinions. AS THE ARTICAL JUST STATES THE FACTS.


Dec 24, 2008
Re: welding galvanized steel

I know this is an old post, but had to comment. It is quite obvious that Buckelboy has never had galvanise poisoning. Enough said. Old welder, Ed


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 7, 2006
Re: welding galvanized steel

7 years in the trade I have never heard a fellow welder say "hell yeah I love to weld galvanize"

It can be done safely and with good results if it is prepped right


Jan 8, 2007
Re: welding galvanized steel

It's safe if you remove the galvanized layer, but not a lot of people have time to do this "extra" work, along with the extra precautions. So some people skip it, others just skip galvanized metal entirely.

Personally I just don't use galvanized when I need to weld something. It's easy enough to avoid the stuff for almost any job, it's not significantly cheaper than weldable tubing bought in small lots.

No welding fumes are good for you, so either work with forced ventilation or work outdoors (and still wear a respirator). Even not welding galvanized you can still hit metal with alloy content that will vaporize, and if it's a certain group of metals it can kill you or make you very sick.

It's not just a matter of being careful... unless the metal is pure or you know exactly what is in it (unlikely with galvanized or plated stuff, the plating varies and it's not really meant to be welded) it can have stuff in it that'll kill you with one good deep breath. Heavy metal poisoning is deadly.

Even experienced welders aren't immune:


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 12, 2005
Re: welding galvanized steel

We weld galvanized most every day. Typically it's TIGing tack welds to chimney caps and such. We have an exhaust hood over the welding table, and fans to position so that the smokes is blown away from the welder towards the hood.
The first time I ever welded (age 17), it was all day, and on 20" diameter 16 gauge pipe...that night I called dad to tell him that I had a severe case of the flu...and wouldn't be at work the next day...he told me to drink a quart of milk because I likely had galvanized poisoning...the milk worked about 3 hours after I drank it. All obvious symptoms were gone.
BTW...I "dislike" welding galvanized. :)


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 7, 2006
Re: welding galvanized steel

You can also start drinking milk before you start welding and if you are going to be welding awhile drink a glass every so often it will help prevent getting it.


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 30, 2008
Re: welding galvanized steel

Yep, as an old welder I concur the milk is a miracle. I was told the calcium in the milk absorbs the zinc and carries it out of the body. I don't know this for a fact, I just know the milk gets rid of the symptoms.


Feb 22, 2008
Re: welding galvanized steel

I wear a respirator all the time, it makes eating dinner a pain.:D


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Dec 3, 2008
Re: welding galvanized steel

I am by no means a professional welder, but I am a confident trained welder and I hate welding galvanized.