Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04


Mar 18, 2003
I forgot to post last weeks y'all. I must of had another 'moment'. My apologies. Therefore, this weeks will be a little tougher. :p <br /><br />1. What is your favorite gadget? <br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie? <br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why?<br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be?<br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people?<br />6. What is your favorite dance?<br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why?<br />8. Do you play the lotto?<br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said?<br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters?

one more cast

May 6, 2002
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget? my jack knife <br /> 2. What is your favorite kind of pie? strawberry rhubarb <br /> 3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why?LF , your a blonde<br /> 4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be?hows it going?<br /> 5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people?yes<br /> 6. What is your favorite dance?any (see my sig.)<br /> 7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why? big ones that fight and you should know why. <br /> 8. Do you play the lotto?a few times a year<br /> 9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said? can't say it here.<br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters? Cast away ray gets booted out and spends the rest of his life trying to get back in.(sorry Ray) :D


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. Favorite gadget? Tie between Leatherman tool and Maximum Swiss Army knife.<br />2. Favorite pie is Key Lime.<br />3. No comment.<br />4. Mr. President, how's your Mom and Dad?<br />5. No, not nervous in front of large audience. That's what I did for a living for 40 years.<br />6. I really like a waltz.<br />7. My favorite fish to catch is ole gatoreyes, musky.<br />8. Never play lotto.<br />9. Dumbest thing I ever said: "Omigosh Mrs. Johnson, I thought you were your daughter!".<br />10. Plot for iboats, the movie: Same as OMC :D


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. I have only three gadgets and they all work equally as well, a hammer, a small hammer, and a sledge hammer.<br />2. Seasonally adjusted Moms homemade apple.<br />3. Roscoe, I believe he would eat worms and ask for seconds.<br />4. Was the view worth the climb?<br />5. No<br />6. Polka, it is the only one I know and can do.<br />7. Salmon, I know I can catch them.<br />8. 2-3 times a year.<br />9. Let me try one of those cigarettes.<br />10. We have a huge gathering and charter a big yacht. JB captain and Ryan first mate, We head out for a three hour tour, and the weather starts getting rough, if not for the courage of JB and Ryan all would be lost, we land on an uncharted island, try to find our way home. On a weekly basis famous celebrities will land on the island and we will "almost" be rescued. With KKC developing a power system made from coconuts, and MY will be able to communicate with the space shuttle but we just can't seem to fix the boat. (Dispite the fact that bondo has the engines producing twice their rated hp.) Bassy and LF are now single (but just a beautiful as ever) and have brought enough clothes to have a different outfit everyday. PW2 is a rich millionaire. Half way through the movie most of us find the 5 star hotel on the otherside of the island and enjoy room service indefinately but everyone thinks that everyone else has been taken care of. The core charactors struggle for existance in straw huts with nothing more than a transitor radio for news of the outside world.. :D <br /><br />For some reason they always eat pork from wild pigs but never fish??????????? :p


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget? GPS<br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie? MMMMMMM....<br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why? GF, HE'LL EAT ANYTHING<br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be? CAN I HAVE A JOB?<br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people? NO<br />6. What is your favorite dance? HORIZONTAL BOP<br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why?<br />THEY R ALL GOOD<br />8. Do you play the lotto? NO<br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said?<br />I HATE YOUR HAIRCUT HONEY<br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters?<br />ME AND GF FISHING, LIKE GRUMPY OLD MEN...<br />GRATUITOUS SEX SCENE??? MMMMMM...NOT MANY CHOICES.<br />MAYBE BASSY AND LF FLASH JB IN END SO WE WIN<br />FISHIN TOURNEY???<br /><br />works for me :p


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. Ten in one screwdriver..<br />2. Moon pie, topped off with an RC cola..<br />3. Could'nt say.. I never watched it.. But if it comes down to having to eat worms like Pointer says, well, umm, no... I better not comment...<br />4. Exactly how much cocaine did ya do?<br />5. yes..<br />6. I can't dance, but I very much enjoy watching people swing.. <br />7. Dorado, mahi-mahi, dolphin.. Whatever ya call it.. Great fight, beautiful color fish, and great table fare...<br />8. Not very often.. maybe a couple times a year..<br /><br />9. Hey! watch this!...<br />10. “iboats” The Movie. Need a while to think on that..


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1- duct tape?<br />2- sourcream raisin<br />3- SBN, After the Court TV appearance, I figure he would put the fear back into the Factor.<br />4- Why don't you "evict" the UN from US soil?<br />5- Used to, not any more.<br />6- Tube Steak Boogie<br />7- To catch?, it doesn't matter.<br />8- once in a while<br />9- Honey, why don't you and your kids move in with me?<br />10- It doesn't matter, cause with Steve as editor, it will all disappear anyway. :)


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 15, 2003
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget? swiss army knife( get you out of any situation)<br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie? Ahh! Mom's Lemon Merengue Pie. Yum!<br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why?<br /> I have to agree. Roscoe would make us proud. Go Roscoe, go roscoe!<br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be? <br />What's your favorite part of being President?<br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people? <br />Nope, teaching cured that.<br />6. What is your favorite dance? A sexy salsa. Oh yeah!! Now that's what I'm talkin' about! <br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why? Striper, because I love the fight.<br />8. Do you play the lotto? No<br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said? <br />"Sure Mom and Dad, I'd love to buy your Ford Taurus".<br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters?<br /> Kinda a "Big Chill" comedy thing going on. We all gather at JB's house<br />(No sound ordinances out there,right?) and have a big get together with good eats,good music,<br />good fishing and other water sports, and good pranks of course. All sorts of fun <br />things going on.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 20, 2004
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget? <br /><br />My Jeep of course.<br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie? <br /><br />Oreo Cream Pie *drools(<br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why? <br /><br />JB... I think he'd end up being the host. :D <br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be? <br /><br />Can I date one of your daughters?<br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people? <br /><br />Not really.<br />6. What is your favorite dance? <br /><br />The "Sit down and drink heavily while watching other people dance" dance.<br /><br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why?<br /><br />Sunfish... they are the only ones I can catch. :( <br /><br />8. Do you play the lotto?<br /><br />Occassionally when the lotto is over 100 million. Pfft... I don't need that lousy 10 million it starts out at. <br /><br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said?<br /><br />I was sitting on a couch with this girl and the guy and girl across from us were making out. I said "Let's do what they're doing!"<br /><br />It worked. :D <br /><br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters?<br /><br />Out on the water somewhere in a boat that won't start and people start asking questions about how to fix it. Everybody blabbers about and then there is the obligatory "Go buy a manual".<br /><br />Everyone is attacked by a school of mutant muskies. Bloodbath ensues, however there will be some gratuitous nakedness with damsels in distress wearing barely there bikinis.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget? my free DV camera.<br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie? Punkin..Nummy!<br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why? Flathead,because he aint afeared of anything.<br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be? Why the subscription pill thing?<br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people? yes<br />6. What is your favorite dance? The "I just stepped outta the shower, so I'm clean, now let's git dirty" dance. (Only performed in the presence of Mrs 12Footer)<br /><br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why? Bass. For the way they attack, fight, and taste.<br />8. Do you play the lotto? yes<br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said? see question #6.<br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters? Angry boaters from around the world unite to elliminate global Islamic terrorist cells.


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget? <br />Leatherman<br /><br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie?<br />Black Barry with ice cream... about every three years<br /><br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why?<br />Does anyone really watch that stuff :eek: and ACK!<br /><br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be?<br />Can I get to see the Aliens?? Sir Mr President<br /><br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people?<br />Nope.. used to do it everyday<br /><br />6. What is your favorite dance?<br />The one where I'm holding the sweet youg thing :) <br /><br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why?<br />Big BASS! Because they fight hard and and all I do is catch them.. then give them to my partners wife and he has to deal with them afterwards.<br /><br />8. Do you play the lotto?<br />Sometimes. Mabe every other week if I remember<br /><br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said?<br />Here Kitty, Kitty to a stray cat. Would you like to come in out of the rain and have some milk.<br />5 months and 4 kits later... ;) <br /><br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters?<br />It would just go "POOF" :D


Jan 6, 2002
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. My pocket pliers<br />2. Shawtnin Bread with whip cream and honey.<br />3. You ! ! ! To see if what you've said you've done is true. ;) <br />4. Would you like to come to my place for a cookin and a Dove hunt??<br />5. Only at first...till I get warmed up.<br />6. The Belly Scrub.<br />7. Most any fish but partial to Large Mouth Bass and Redfish. Large mouth bass can't turn down an 8' worm. Bass and Redfish both taste so good.<br />8. No.<br />9. "Did you fart?" on a first date.<br />10. Reserving comment on this one.


Jun 4, 2003
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget? Gerber Multi-tool<br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie? Strawberry Rhubarb<br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why? LF or Bassy, I love the looks women give when they have to eat things like pig uterus, cow anus or bull testicles.<br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be? If you could do it all over again, what would you do differently<br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people? Nope<br />6. What is your favorite dance? Not a dancer<br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why? Saltwater stripers, they're big, good fighters and mighty tasty<br />8. Do you play the lotto? Nope<br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said? I'm sure I've said lots of stupid things, can't remember any off hand<br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters? I dunno. I think iboats the sitcom would be better.


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget?<br /> my Tomohawk<br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie? <br />Apple, cherrie or blackberrie.<br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why? <br />PW....dont know he came to mind first. <br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be?<br /> After you win the next election, will you stop the "New Tone" BS and kick some liberal azz for a change?<br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people? <br />Not since I saw John Kerry give his Dem Conv. speach, he,he...he.<br />6. What is your favorite dance? <br />dirty dancing<br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why? <br />Snook, cause a havn't caught one yet.<br />8. Do you play the lotto? <br />2-3 times a year, one ticket each time.<br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said? <br />I dont have time to sort this answer.<br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters? <br />There is no plot but boating, fishing and help. There are no main characters, except JB. ;)


Jul 31, 2002
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget? my handheld gps<br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie? chocolate with the cream on top<br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why? JB - Would like to see him eat those worms :D <br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be? Why would you ever want to leave TExAS<br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people? NO - do it all the time<br />6. What is your favorite dance? Two-Step<br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why? Bull Reds - love the fight<br />8. Do you play the lotto? NOPE...don't contribute to the stupid tax<br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said? "I Do" to my ex-wife<br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters? Has to be LF as the main character, trying to find out all about iBoats members while MR. LF is catching big reds and yelling for help. The rest of us are playing right along giving out all kinds of info. Story ends when LF finds out all info and then blackmails us somehow :)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 30, 2003
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget? <br />My laptop from work. I can hook up my GPS to it and watch myself driving down the highway on Microsoft Streets & Trips.<br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie? <br />Toss-up between pumpkin at Thanksgiving or Key Lime (the REAL stuff) any other time.<br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why?<br />Would have to be SBN eating worms, just so he'd know how a bass feels at feeding time, lol!<br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be?<br />"Have you thought about an early retirement?"<br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people?<br />No. My job frequently has me standing before an audience for training or demonstrations.<br />6. What is your favorite dance?<br />Horizontal bop (apologies, MY...)
<br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why?<br />Walleye, because they taste sooo goood!<br />8. Do you play the lotto?<br />Yes, I contribute regularly<br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said?<br />"I can drink you under the table."<br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters?<br />Liberal socialist-commie Democrats get beaten up on a regular basis by Conservative Republicans. Characters?? Heck, everybody that contributes to the 'political' threads (myself included)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 6, 2003
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget? <br /><br />I don't currently have one other than the boat as a whole.<br /><br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie? <br /><br />Any kind of Fruit or Cream.<br /><br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why?<br /><br />Don't really know any of you well enough.<br /><br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be?<br /><br />What is a typical week like for you as President?<br /><br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people?<br /><br />Speaking, YES!!, Teaching a dance, Not at all. Weird I know, but that's how it is.<br /><br />6. What is your favorite dance?<br /><br />Any of the following. Waltz, Foxtrot, Quickstep, International Tango, Cha Cha, Rumba, Mambo, Jive, West Coast Swing, Samba, Marange.<br /><br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why?<br /><br />Only kind I have caught was Alaskan Salmon, Halabit, and Sturgeon. Liked them all.<br /><br />8. Do you play the lotto?<br /><br />Yes, but not regularly. Have never won ANYTHING!!!<br /><br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said?<br /><br />"You can ski this hill, nothing to it." Took 3 hours to get down it.<br /><br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters?


Aug 11, 2002
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget?<br />........Uh, Inspector?<br /><br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie?<br />Coconut Cream.<br /><br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and Why?<br />Without a doubt....PW2. Ha....have to keep my reason to myself. ;) <br /><br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be?<br />Boxers or Briefs? :p <br /><br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people?<br />Only if my fly is down.<br /><br />6. What is your favorite dance?<br />Bill "Dance" of course!<br /><br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch, and why?<br />Largemouth. Love watchin 'em explode on my top water Rapala's.<br /><br />8. Do you play the Lotto?<br />Only when they bug me for a dollar at work.<br /><br />9. What is the dumbest thing you ever said?<br />Wow, don't think I can narrow it to one.<br /><br />10. "iboats" the movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters?<br />Aliens abduct the Mods, and the cellar-dwellers live happily ever after. ;)


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget? <br /><br />coleman fuel can stopper with a valve<br /><br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie?<br /><br />key lime<br /> <br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why?<br /><br />I wouldn't like to see Fear Factor<br /><br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be?<br /><br />"What in the heck were you thinking when you traded Sammy Sosa for Harold Baines?"<br /><br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people?<br /><br />yes<br /><br />6. What is your favorite dance?<br /><br />lap<br /><br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why?<br /><br />Barracuda; they fight hard, run fast and jump high<br /><br />8. Do you play the lotto?<br /><br />no<br /><br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said?<br /><br />"Let's just hold our dotcom stocks another week or so."<br /><br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters?<br /><br />A dashing young couple on the pro bass circuit travel around the country winning bass tournaments and solving murders (ala Murder, She Wrote, using their laptops/satellite hook-ups to get all the info they need from local iboats members who use a complex code to post vital data regarding the case at hand.

Terry H

Lieutenant Commander
Sep 25, 2001
Re: Weekly Q&A 8/1/04-8/7-04

1. What is your favorite gadget? Leatherman <br />2. What is your favorite kind of pie? "Texas Pie"<br />3. Which iboats member would you most like to see on Fear Factor, and why? Forktail...'cause he would have a chance to lose.<br />4. If you could ask our President one question what would it be? What's the name of that prison?<br />5. Do you get nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people? yup<br />6. What is your favorite dance? salsa<br />7. What is your favorite fish to catch and why? salmon, because where I go to catch them<br />8. Do you play the lotto? I invest 5bucks a year <br />9. What is the dumbest thing you've ever said? don't get me started on that subject<br />10. “iboats” The Movie. What is the plot? Who are the main characters? I'm not into movies...real life is just too exciting, sbn could be Gilligan...