Volvo Penta to Rebuild or not to Rebuild, need your suggestions.


Apr 21, 2005
Briefly here is my deal. I bought my boat on a private party sale and in fact it turns out he failed to winterize the motor. It is now seized. It's a 1983 Bayliner Bowrider with a Volvo Penta 170(?)I/O motor. He is re-imbursing me for the $1000 that I paid. Couple of questions: I have gotten mixed reactions on the Volvo. It appears you either like them or you hate them. Is it worth having this rebuilt? The boat is in ok condition but the hull is strong and solid. I intended to re-do the interior anyway.. So, rebuild or not to rebuild? My ultimate fantasy is to tear the motor apart myself and find someone willing to rebuild it and install it with me teaching me how. Any generous takers in the MA area? Or, should I just take the money, sell the boat and trailer for what I can and have a do-over? Comments appreciated and best to my direct address


Jul 4, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta to Rebuild or not to Rebuild, need your suggestions.

a lot of people rebuild boats and love it and have a great boat when there done <br /><br /> your starting with a free boat which usally turns out to cost a lot of money<br /><br />i would be very sure about the condition of the wood inside the boat ,transome ,stringers ,floor many boats have problems in this area and its a lot of work and money to fix<br /><br />look at the big picture and make a budget of what everything will cost before you start and be sure its a number you are happy spending and then figure its going to be more<br /><br /><br />tommays

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Volvo Penta to Rebuild or not to Rebuild, need your suggestions.

Parts for the old Volvo engines are going to be expensive. The engine though may be junk right to start with. If it wasn't winterized, the block probably froze and cracked. Since it's locked up there may also be water (Rust by now) in the cylinders preventing it from turning, they are then refered to as JUNK.<br />The drives are strong if it's a 270 or newer and parts are readily available.<br />Trying to adapt a different type engine is a possibility, but that to can be an expensive process with locating bellhousings, exhaust Y's etc.<br />Sometimes free things are way overpriced.


May 2, 2003
Re: Volvo Penta to Rebuild or not to Rebuild, need your suggestions.

Don, aren't the AQ170's basically a B30 car engine?<br /><br />Aldo