Trying to find lower unit

Apr 16, 2003
Good Morning Folks,<br /><br />I have a 1990 50 HP Force motor. Been fairly reliable over the years. But I'm in need of <br />obtaining a lower unit for it. Mine has been professionaly rebuilt, but never performed to my satisfaction. Always had to re-adjust the travel of the shifter to keep the gears from dis-engaging at higher speeds. Motor is in good shape (compression-wise) and runs well. <br />Have not had success in finding a lower unit that wouldn't break the bank. Does anyone have a source for this? Would appreciate any thoughts or ideas. <br /><br />Side thought,...... I rarely see any messages about 1990 50 HP Force motors troubles. Was that year relatively reliable for that motor?<br /><br />Thanks <br /><br />River Rat


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Trying to find lower unit

Once adjusted, the engine should stay in gear.<br />Did you have it rebuilt with new parts and gears? Or did they just replace the seals?<br /><br />Sorry, can't help you with a source.
Apr 16, 2003
Re: Trying to find lower unit

Mornin' Folks,<br /><br />Thanks for the replies. <br />Roscoe, the gears were inspected and found to be <br />in excellant working condition. Mechanic was<br />surprised at their pristine looking appearance.<br />Did notice a thrust washer in the diagram of the Sealoc manual. Wonder if it has some bearing on the clutch-dogs travel. Not really sure how the thrust washer could make that big of an improvement.<br />Long story short, it was put back together with new seals because gears looked perfect. We just had to adjust the travel so the forward gear does not come out at high speed.<br /><br />Thanks to all for the sources of the lower units. If I can find one cheap maybe I'll take a chance.<br /><br />Everyone have a fine and safe week.<br /><br />Rat