Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.


Sep 26, 2006
GEEZE, I"m probably not the first....But still PO'd. Out having a nice day on the water fishing. Came in to find not only the trailer light broken, but the steel back plate welds broken too-and hanging. I didnt notice the hit pulled the screws out of one of the bunk boards. So when I backed in, it went floating away. I had to go swimming for it. I was RIPPING mad. I spend the spring completely rebuilding this trailer.

Good thing he wasnt around or I'd be in a cell right now. NO note or anything, he just left with my trailer parts hanging, and lens chards over a 10' area. He moved me into the next parking spot!!!

I give most people a chance and benefit of the doubt. Hey, we all make stupid mistakes-I have....But come on!!! In the whole scheme of life, It truely isnt life altering-----But come on, Leave a note and offer to settle up. Hey, I might have been so thrilled you did, I'd probably cover the damage. But Now, I hope I dont find ya!!!!!

Anyone been there?


Jul 5, 2013
Re: Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.

Tell you to hear that. People suck. Not all, but most. The older I get, the more I don't like people.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 10, 2007
Re: Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.

a couple weeks ago i saw something similar. i was pissed and it didnt even involve me.

Guy in a nice aftermarket wheeled gmc truck (newer model) launched a newer model blue malibu wakesetter i believe--the trailer was blue and matched the boat. It was obvious these guys werent hurting for money. Guy pulls a shortcut through the parking lot that put him at a bad angle, scrapes his double axle (diamond plate covered) trailer wheel well against the entire front bumper of another persons toyota SUV.

We were launching my boat and I think I was the only person to hear or see it. This guy parks his truck and heads back to the boat. No note nothing i watched as they headed away from the dock.

Luckily there was a park ranger checking parking passes. I let him know what I saw and he placed something on both vehicles.

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.

if there hadn't been a ranger there, I would have said something to him directly, and made sure he left correct information on the damaged car. And I would have left my info as a witness on the damaged car in case the bum did something else sleazy.

The fact that he started to walk away from it speaks volumes.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 10, 2007
Re: Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.

if there hadn't been a ranger there, I would have said something to him directly, and made sure he left correct information on the damaged car. And I would have left my info as a witness on the damaged car in case the bum did something else sleazy.

The fact that he started to walk away from it speaks volumes.

He completly walked away from it, got in his boat and headed off before I made it back to mine.

I do not mean any offense to anyone but those I have had experiences with. I have a bayliner, frowned upon by most wakeboat type people. And they tend to be serious a**holes to me. I'm just not cool enough to be in their club. I likely would not have approached them as it's highly likely there would have been some sort of retaliation. At that point he would have known my boat/truck/trailer.

I applaud anyone who would have called them out on it--I can't say wether I would have approached them or not im just glad I didn't have to since the ranger was there.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 15, 2013
Re: Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.

Jesus man. And he moved the trailer? The balls on some people are insane. No cameras around? You could put a notice in the local paper, seeking info and maybe a professional type threat that may influence this person to call you and say "I f'd up, lets fix it".


Sep 26, 2006
Re: Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.

Yea, Funny this happened because just the prior weekend I witnessed the same type thing. That time I had a friend with me, and as we were prepping to launch we saw someone cut a corner and wipe out a trailer and broke the lights and some stuff.

He also went down to his boat to take off...My friend and I went to the Ramp, and said "whats up, why are you leaving"...he was not polite and denied doing it. So we asked the attendant to call the locals, a cruiser showed and we provided all the info. We got a call a day later from the owner asking if it came to it, would we be witnesses...We both said YES.

Then it happens to me...Maybe Carma in reverse? Regardless I do the right thing.

But agree with the poster above, as I get older I seem to really loose faith in most people. Sad I know.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 23, 2012
Re: Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.

Some people just don't care or they think they didn't do any damage (that is their story to cover their a**). Just call the local authorities and report it.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 26, 2011
Re: Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.

Yes rothfm; It has happened to me also. It totally blows, it is so easy to be honest and do the right thing so we can hold our head up. But no, seems like too many want to be dishonest and lie to themselves and everyone else. I feel for you cause been there and happened to me. I felt the same way you did about whomever smacked my trailer too. Was glad was not there or I woulda been in jail. Integrity and honesty are definitely worth fighting for.. Hope the rest of your summer goes well.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 4, 2010
Re: Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.

That really sucks! But like some of those who posted above, it is up to those who witness to point out to the idiots that they are guilty and ensure they are held accountable.
It is these reasons I park my car against a curb SOO far from the rest of the lot and like my dog more than most people!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 10, 2011
Re: Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.

Was glad was not there or I woulda been in jail. Integrity and honesty are definitely worth fighting for.. Hope the rest of your summer goes well.

Agreed 100 percent


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 30, 2010
Re: Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.

I have a bayliner, frowned upon by most wakeboat type people. And they tend to be serious a**holes to me. I'm just not cool enough to be in their club.

I have two bayliners and people like that can shove their club, I share my time with friends.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 15, 2013
Re: Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.

Include me in the mix of damaged trailers.

Went to the lake and came back to our suv and trailer. Bent brake light and damaged an I-beam that holds on our alignment poles. The I beams are as thick as the trailers frame and it snapped the weld and bent it all the way over to the fender. Whoever hit my trailer left no note, and I hope that I beam paid them back.


Jul 31, 2012
Re: Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.

I had some one run over my year old Karavan PWC trailer. Reading this thread makes me realize how lucky I am, the guy who hit it went and got a park ranger - went out of his way to get the trailer able to pull the ski out of the water. He told me to go to a dealer and pick out a new trailer and call him, did so the next day - he gave the dealer his credit card number.

Don't lose hope, there are still some good people out there.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 10, 2011
Re: Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.

I have a bayliner, frowned upon by most wakeboat type people. And they tend to be serious a**holes to me. I'm just not cool enough to be in their club. I likely would not have approached them as it's highly likely there would have been some sort of retaliation

I have two bayliners and people like that can shove their club, I share my time with friends.

People like that give mankind a bad name. Its not too often I grin and take cr*p from people. I'm just waiting for the day I get hauled off in cuffs. I'm probably just lucky that most find me intimidating. I may not have had to wait any longer had it been me. Its apparent what is important to these scum and its not their fellow man. The people that carry themselves this way think they are so freaking fantastic, but little do they realize, they are, without an iota of doubt, the schmuck. I'd rather hang out with a Bayliner guy any day. These folks are ten times more likely to be a real man.
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Oct 28, 2011
Re: Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.

To the OP - it was probably somebody's wife, sent to go park the trailer while Cap'n manned the cockpit. Her fake Ta-Ta's were probably in the way of the steering wheel!


That ought to may you a smile, even if it doesn't fix your trailer.
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Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 11, 2008
Re: Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.

I would have looked at all the trailers there and seen if I sould find the truck that hit me and called the cops. The worst part is I'm shure if there was a note or they stayed around to tell you , you would still be mad but would have helped a little.


Jun 29, 2007
Re: Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.

I'll have to admit, I have hit a parked trailer. It was a couple years ago when I just got my bigger boat. Launched my boat and whipped into a parking spot not thinking of the different turn radius and bam! I was pissed I did such a bone headed move. But I left a note with my cell on the windshield and notified the launch attendant. After a couple hours of not hearing anything I called the marina and asked if they heard from the owner. Never heard anything. Honestly my trailer took the bigger hit, his didn't even look like I touched it. Still feel like an idiot for such a bone head move.


Jul 28, 2013
Re: Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.

I'm saddened to say society in general is becoming selfish and dishonest. This hasn't happened to me (yet) and hopefully wont. But I can tell you that I live in rural America where you know your neighbors, their kids, and their parents. In the spring my wife and I came home late one evening (Friday) and I noticed my mailbox was gone. I got out of my vehicle and found the mailbox in the field next to the house. I also found a right side mirror laying in a mulch bed, window glass everywhere, red paint on the mailbox post, sod ripped up, etc.. The next Monday I was on my road coming home and noticed a red Pontiac Sunfire with the right door destroyed, mirror missing, and the glass broken out. I went home and got the mirror that was left in my yard and went back to the house. I knocked on the front door and was greeted by a 20-30 something female that was mad at me. I politely asked her if that red vehicle was hers and if she hit a mailbox. She said it was and said she was going to stop by (when?) and said she did hit it and volunteered to pay for it and all of the damage to the yard, and driveway. cut to the end she passes by here every day has never stopped, I replaced the mailbox and post, repaired the yard fixed the driveway and still nothing from her. I wave at her when she passes by hoping that she will at least stop and apologize. My mailbox didn't hit her car and the last time I checked the road didn't cross my driveway and cut through my landscaping.


May 16, 2012
Re: Trailer hit while parked at ramp lot! Whats with people.

Some people just plain suck sorry to the OP....... I have seen people at the dock before who have been going through the same thing. Coming off the water only to find some jerk has hit their rig. The one that pisses me off that I have experienced a few times personally is getting ready to load the boat and find greasy forehead and hair prints on my tinted windows where people are trying to see in and see if you left anything in your truck worth knocking your windows out over!