Tore the transom to repair? (pics)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 1, 2013
Hi All.

Boat is a It's a 1978 Starcraft Holiday V5 14' Aluminum Runabout with 1979 Johnson SeaHorse Magflash CD 55HP.
Model #: Starcraft 14HolidayV50B
HIN: STRE13460978-F9 (Which I think makes it a 1978)

The Transom turned out to be completely rotten. Towing the kids on a tube ripped this piece out but if you reach down inside you can push your finger into it - complete pulp!

The mounts I installed to pull the tube (one on each side) using an Airhead Y harness may have not been a good idea and may not have been well placed...but at least I found out before the motor fell off in the lake.

I'm thinking a complete transom replacement is going to be required / the best option.

Questions for the experts:

1) Do you make or have made a replacement based on patterning the original? Or are there places, maybe even Starcraft, who would have the plans?

2) Can you give me some leads on who might make/cut such a part or where I might get the materials?

3) How difficult a job is this? I'm pretty technically inclined built a rock buggy from tube, can rebuild a transmission, but new to boats). But I'm concerned about stuff like the de-riveting and re-riveting required. Can a guy do some or most of the work himself and have a pro button it up?

4) Anything else that is a must-do while the transom is being replaced?

Suggestion on how to proceed most welcome.









Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Tore the transom to repair? (pics)

Yep, could have gone much worse.

You will need to use the current transom as a pattern or make your own to fabricate the new wooden transom.

Read thru some of the SC resto threads and you'll find lots of good info:

[h=3]Starcraft Rebuilds and Restorations, they're all here![/h]
Look for DozerII & InMotion's threads, they're Canadian & may have helpful info for finding materials.

If you built a buggy from raw tube, you won't have any problem getting this 14ft'r done.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: Tore the transom to repair? (pics)

You put the towing eye in the weakest place. Live and learn.

Transoms in these tinnies are not hard to do. Did you lose the corner cap?

The first thing to do is pull the motor and bracket to assess damage. Most of these use bolts/nuts to hold the transom in place. Unless the transom ply is total mulch, you probably have enough for a pattern. Even if all mulch, you still have the stern skin for a close enough to trim pattern.

You can cut the wood yourself, no need for any pros. We have guys here that had to be shown the business end of a screwdriver. You won't have any major problems and we can walk you through any sticky parts.

You built a rock buggy and can re-do a tranny. You have the skills. Being a boat doesn't make it any more difficult. It just floats differently (and better) than a buggy. :)


Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: Tore the transom to repair? (pics)

Transom replacement isn't that big of a deal, there's lots of Starcraft transom rebuilds on the forum for you to look at and get a good idea of what you have to do.

The 2 biggest things will be removing the motor and splashwell so you can get to the transom wood to replace it (you won't need to remove many if any rivets).

Use a good exterior grade plywood like ABX or BCX for your replacement wood and seal it with epoxy resin or exterior grade spar varnish or urethane before installing it.

I doubt you'll be able to use the old transom for a template since it's mush, but making a template for the wood will be easy once you get the motor and all the hardware removed from the outside of the transom.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 1, 2013
Re: Tore the transom to repair? (pics)

You put the towing eye in the weakest place. Live and learn.

Yep..and always the hard way :) When I get to it - where should I mount the towing eyes? Does anyone make one with a nice 4-bolt flange instead of just the U-bolt style?

Transoms in these tinnies are not hard to do. Did you lose the corner cap?

Turns out it was always missing and I didn't notice! (had to check some earlier pictures to be sure)

Being a boat doesn't make it any more difficult. It just floats differently (and better) than a buggy. :)

LOL. Yea, the buggy doesn't float so well ..and I HAVE tried! For some reason the fact that it's a boat has me a little intimidated...that and the fact that I want it to remain really nice... previous work of mine has been much function over form but this little beauty I really want to keep looking really good.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 1, 2013
Re: Tore the transom to repair? (pics)

Yep, could have gone much worse.

You will need to use the current transom as a pattern or make your own to fabricate the new wooden transom.

Read thru some of the SC resto threads and you'll find lots of good info:

[h=3]Starcraft Rebuilds and Restorations, they're all here![/h]
Look for DozerII & InMotion's threads, they're Canadian & may have helpful info for finding materials.

If you built a buggy from raw tube, you won't have any problem getting this 14ft'r done.

Thanks for the link - I'll get to reading right away


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 1, 2013
Re: Tore the transom to repair? (pics)

Transom replacement isn't that big of a deal, there's lots of Starcraft transom rebuilds on the forum for you to look at and get a good idea of what you have to do.

Is it best to search and read in this forum or in the Starcraft-specific one?

The 2 biggest things will be removing the motor and splashwell so you can get to the transom wood to replace it (you won't need to remove many if any rivets).

Wouldn;t I have to remove this double-row of rivests, or do they not go into the transom?


Use a good exterior grade plywood like ABX or BCX for your replacement wood and seal it with epoxy resin or exterior grade spar varnish or urethane before installing it.

I doubt you'll be able to use the old transom for a template since it's mush, but making a template for the wood will be easy once you get the motor and all the hardware removed from the outside of the transom. [/QUOTE]

Thanks for the help


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Tore the transom to repair? (pics)

No you do not have to remove those rivets.

Read thru some of the 15' SC Jet threads, removing the transom isn't too complicated. Swollen plywood can make it more difficult to pull up & out, but it isn't too complicated.

You do need to get that transom bracket & motor off the back of the boat. You don't want them to make the damage any worse.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: Tore the transom to repair? (pics)

The stuff in green has to come off, plus any through transom bolts. Bolts are in both top corners, the knee braces, the piece of wood between the skin and motor clamp, and the tow eyes. I think that's it. Oh, and a mess of screws that hold the splashwell clamped to the wood, under the splashwell. Motor and kicker bracket of course. DO NOT remove the side rivets in red. The part I labeled 1 under the missing cap can be bent back. And you don't have to remove the splashwell.

[URL=] [/URL]

EDIT - get a light and look up under the splashwell. Snap a pic or two while you're at and post them.

EDIT 2 - The restos are here. You might have to look some to find some with a splashwell like yours - rrumba has a Holiday with a similar set up, just a larger model. There are some others.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: Tore the transom to repair? (pics)

Since your transom is mush, I'd strongly suggest you dismantle the inside of your boat and look for other problems you may not realize you have. Like other rotten wood (seat bases, and decking) and most importantly waterlogged floatation foam.

Saturated floatation is a safety hazzard because it isn't buoyant and won't float your boat in case of an emergency, and since you have kids onboard I'm sure you want your boat to be as safe as it can be.

Dismantling the inside of your boat will also make it a lot easier to check your transom brace(s) for damage since you overstressed the the transom.

Weep'n Willy

Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 12, 2012
Re: Tore the transom to repair? (pics)

Nice looking rig........very unfortunate that you had to experience the transom disintegrating. The good thing is you are in the right place to get all the information you need to take on the project and bring her back to great condition. Expectations: not a quick fix.. but knowing that when completed it should be better than original factory work. The advice given in prior post is to me the most important......take pictures.....lots of them. When you start dismantling take more pics along the way. What I did when I removed screws, bolts, etc I would put them in a ziploc bag and label as to where they came from so when it comes time to reinstall you know what bolts, screws went where, ie transom outside, transom inside, etc. Doesn't matter the condition of the hardware you put in the bag but at least you have the size and length that when you go to reinstall you can get new to match. Take your time and stop and look things over and debate it before acting on it. I do this often in my project boat visualizing what I am doing and how I will put it back together.

Good luck and looking forward to your progress.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 1, 2013
Re: Tore the transom to repair? (pics)

Made some good progress today...about to start uploading a ton of pics so please standby...

(It's right about on the tipping point of a full restoration at the moment...half the floor is rotten too. I had planned on doing a resto, including paint, in the fall/winter/spring...but now it's half torn down...but then again, it isn't hard to work on and maybe I should do the repairs and then enjoy for the summer then do the full resto...)

In the meantime, a few questions:

1) Is there any trick to removing the little drainage tubes at the top of the splashwell that go through the transom?

2) Is there any trick to removing the throttle control - the two large screws just seem to be spinning but it isn't any looser (have to remove interior sides to discover extent of floor rot)

3) Have discovered my transom was three pieces...presumably replacing with a single piece will be stronger... but will it be impossible to fit back in place?

4) The marvelous red "carpet" on the wife adores it (adores the whole boat, especially the '70s interior) and it is after-all her boat (40th birthday present from me this year) is replacement available anywhere? It would have to be the same wonderful red?

Ok, now to upload some pics...


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 1, 2013
Re: Tore the transom to repair? (pics)

2) Is there any trick to removing the throttle control - the two large screws just seem to be spinning but it isn't any looser (have to remove interior sides to discover extent of floor rot)

Here is the control in question:



Oct 1, 2008
Re: Tore the transom to repair? (pics)

My kids tube alot and water ski. This is what I did to mine to reinforce the transom.

Mount the hooks down lower basically in the meat of the transom.

Basically it is a piece of quarter inch thick stainless steel, they are about 3 1/2 inches in diameter. I am pretty sure I could hang my entire boat from these things and they wouldn't budge.

I think Glenn (Dozer II) uses Douglas fir and he is up there in canada. Cut your new transom from templates, use minimum three coats of Epoxy resin on it and never worry about it again. Though I am pretty sure Glenn uses Marine Spar varnish which is acceptable and cheaper, however requires more maintenance.

Be glad you were in a tin boat if that had happened on a glasser odds are your rig would be at the bottom of the lake right now.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 1, 2013
Re: Tore the transom to repair? (pics)

Here are some pics:

Under the splashwell. Wiring was a mess!








Oct 1, 2008
Re: Tore the transom to repair? (pics)

Here is the control in question:


There are nuts on the backside of the bolts.

Mine were so rusted out I had to use vice grips to hold the nuts to get enough torque to get them off.


Oct 1, 2008
Re: Tore the transom to repair? (pics)

I would have gladly taken your wiring mess.
