This has no bearing on 9/11 commission report?


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2003
In this article he admits to removing documents and hand written notes. He not only removed them, but stole them by placing them in his pants and pockets. Now tell me. You have someone that was in the Clinton administration working on the 9/11 commission panel. They steal some documents and hand written notes. WHY IN THE HELL DOES THIS NOT HAVE A BEARING ON THE REPORT?<br /><br />Enjoy this article. It pretty much speaks for itself.<br /><br />,2933,126428,00.html


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2003
Re: This has no bearing on 9/11 commission report?

A friend sent me this link, which gives some more insight. Looks like Billy boy is trying to cover up some more lies. Basically, it looks to me like we have democrats removing national security intel. Now why would an American want to remove national security intel? That could potentially cause a great deal of harm and trouble for us. This just ticks me off. Again Clinton is worried about his own neck, and jeopordizing the security of all of us.<br /><br />


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: This has no bearing on 9/11 commission report?

Clinton is gone.. Served his two terms through a poop storm of empty "special investigations" flung by the right, now he's gone... He's old news... Get over it...<br /><br />50 years from now (if we all live that long) I'll bet conservatives will still be placing all the blame for absolutely everthing bad that ever happened since the dawn of time on Clinton and his administration.....


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2003
Re: This has no bearing on 9/11 commission report?

Clinton is not gone. His wife is still in politics and a very dangerous weapon. Not to mention, rumored to be running for the presidency in 2008. That would put Billy boy back in the white house again. Again he would have first hand access to things that he should not be next to. They would get a chance to loot the white house yet a second time as well. They will be able to rent out rooms to those they want favors from, or owe favors. So you see, the "Clintons" are not gone.


Apr 16, 2002
Re: This has no bearing on 9/11 commission report?

Yeah Sam, Clinton is gone, in the past, leave the poor guy alone. So what if his National Security Advisor is stealing highly classified documents from the National Archives. It's not like any of them ever commited any criminal acts. It's not he promised middle tax cuts and then gave middel class a tax increase. It's not lik he managed to destroy the strongest economy on the panet. It's not like he is skirt chasing POS that doesn't have a shred of integrity. Lay off dude.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 12, 2004
Re: This has no bearing on 9/11 commission report?

Gee wizz. You can't let go of the placement of Bill's cigar can you? You just have to imply that he's unpatriotic & dangerous, don't you? During Clintons presidency 200 fbi agents were assigned to the so-called Clinton scandals. What if those agents had been doing their job, such as trying to track down those who were here to kill us?" Perhaps they could have returned the phone calls from the people in flight-training schools in Florida callin' to say it seemed a little strange that students wanted to take flying lessons but didn't want to learn how to take off or land. Calls like that were ignored. Makes you wonder if the Republicans are not somewhat responsible for the lack of pre-parednes in the US because they were so obsessed about the location of the cigar.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: This has no bearing on 9/11 commission report?

Gee whiz BL. You surely do want to be blinded, don't you. What would have happened if Bill Clinton had paid attention to the 'peoples business' instead of playing with his cigar and worrying about his legacy, as his minions emaciated the nation's intelligence agencies.

Whaler Proud

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 23, 2003
Re: This has no bearing on 9/11 commission report?

Let the investigation take its course. BL and Snapper, history (and in less than 50 years) will prove that the Clinton administration was the most corrupt since U.S. Grant.<br /><br />Conservative bretren (and sistren?) Let's take the high road and wait for the evidence. The left controls the media (and I don't get how a network news ancjor making 3 mil a year knows anything about what I go through) and will twist this to their advantage.<br /><br />Reserach the facts, keep the faith, and if the other side doesn't like it, they can move.<br /><br />But they won't :D

Whaler Proud

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 23, 2003
Re: This has no bearing on 9/11 commission report?

Is there a spell check on this board? My fat fingers make it look like I have never seen a dictionary :rolleyes:


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: This has no bearing on 9/11 commission report?

Originally posted by BinLurkin:<br /> Gee wizz. You can't let go of the placement of Bill's cigar can you? You just have to imply that he's unpatriotic & dangerous, don't you? so obsessed about the location of the cigar.
The left will never understand. I could explain this "obession" to you one more time, but what good would it do? How can history be rewritten, if us right wing types keep envoking the name of Bill?<br />He spent a lot of time writing that book to try to overcome his record, but to the obsessed right, he efforts were a failure.<br />Strange, isn't it?<br />If you were as old as me, you'd know that our obsession has NOTHING to do with party affiliation..By that, I mean, we had our Watergate with Nixon. OK, I will attempt to explain this 'obsession' to you one last time. But I can do it in two words, my fellow American.... It's Character. It's an election year!<br />If you do not understand that, what's the point?<br />As for me and who leads me, he must be of equal or higher moral CHARACTER, or he is not fit to lead me. Then, there are our children,who will read of cigars in thier history books some day. Aren't you proud of that?<br />I'm certainly proud of Nixon (NOT!)