Things To Share


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
I tend to keep things of my personnal life just that. Personnal. But when something takes place of a nature....that you cannot have to share......<br /><br />A buddy....take trips with him and a group of guys twice a know something is not right. You know he is not quite himself yet he won't say anything. You know he is taking radiation and is taking Kemo therapy. You see he has lost weight...a lot. The only thing you can get outta him is, "I feel good. You goin' fishin in the Fall?" <br /><br />Several days ago, I find out he's in the hospital on a respirator. Rectal bleeding that the doc's can't seem to stop. I'm in shock. Talk to my other Bud's I fish with and they know just as much as me...which amounts to little. I then find out that his family has been called in with a preacher. They (the family) have decided to take him off life support and let him expire. Needless to say....I got a big empty feeling in my gut.<br /><br />Tonight, I got a call from Joe, one of the regular guys that go on the trips. He says...."You ain't going to believe this."....I says what???? Joe says to me...."They pulled the tube from Ron's throat...........and he woke up. He's in a local Hospital with Pneumonia.....but he's respondant to where he is and knows' what's happening." <br /><br />How do ya' figure stuff like this????? How do you phathom what's taking place or what should have taken place but didn't??????????????<br /><br />I don't know.

Hank 911

Seaman Apprentice
Feb 2, 2004
Re: Things To Share

Great story OBJ, Thanks for sharing. I think you had a miracle.<br /> I lost my long time fishing buddy 4 years ago. He had cancer and it got to be too much for him to bear. He took his own life......I know that empty feeling. <br /> I hope Ron gets to go fishing again. Let us know when he gets out of the Hospital


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 15, 2003
Re: Things To Share

What a beautiful story. I also am glad you shared it. Don't question what happened too much. Just accept it and count that blessing as a miracle. Congratulations! You were a witness to an unexplainable moment. Now that's special! <br /> I'm so happy for you, your friend and all the family and friends who have been touched my this. <br />Bassy :)


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Things To Share

When it's time, it's time. But he is fighting like he hhas never fought before, and he is trying to fight alone. That's his right, I guess. But when I was down and fighting, I thank God for his hand on things, and my family and friends for thier prayers and encouragement. Some like your friend, for whatever reasons, has chosen to go it as alone as he can. Only those closest to him would have a clue as to why. But no doubt, he has his reasons for the path he has chosen. But he cannot stop us from praying for his recovery.<br />So that's what I will do, even tho I do not know him.