An inductive timing light that is connected to a plug wire will fire everytime there is a spark in the specific spark plug. It is the same way when you set or check your timing. However, you can also do the same for checking the consistency of sparks in any of the spark plugs by simply watching the strobe light from the timing light. Of course, you wouldn't want to look directly into this light since it is blinding (temporarily) so instead you use a dark colored paper to bounce the light off. The goal is to see if the sparks are consistent at different engine speeds. If it is not, then it tells you there is misfiring due to electrical problems.
Another way to test is to buy an in line spark tester which is basically the same except this one is inserted between the spark plug and the plug wire. Again, the goal is to see if there is constant and consistent sparks. If there is, on both spark plugs, then you can rule out electrical problems as source of your misfiring or rough idling. Then you can focus more on the mechanical side of the problem, which can be the carbs improperly settings, reeds, low compression, water intrusion, etc.
As for the head gasket there is a replacement non-oem available at
Here's the link: