Terror alert just a political move ?


Jun 19, 2002
Howard Dean says Bush is behind this terror alert for political gain....However, no one as of yet obstained from the Chemical/biological warfare maintenace kits given out at their convention. Initially, Kerry said the alert was an exaggeration. but now hes backing away from Deans remarks.


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: Terror alert just a political move ?

drowning man (party) gasping for air... shame on<br />the demakrauts!

Elmer Fudge

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 25, 2003
Re: Terror alert just a political move ?

On the Letterman show Clinton said that it was not a political move played by the Bush admin,and that these terror alerts are very serious,and people should take them seriously.<br /><br /><br />I think that Howard Dean owes the American people an apology for the high handed remarks which he made, it's incredible for a man, who not so long ago,thought of himself as being a candidate for the presidency.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Terror alert just a political move ?

He is 100% correct, he got the information from Michael Moore who read it on the back of a super sized mcdonalds bag...

Luna Sea

Lieutenant Junior Grade
May 20, 2002
Re: Terror alert just a political move ?

So who gets their political news/views based on the Letterman show........

Elmer Fudge

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 25, 2003
Re: Terror alert just a political move ?

I do, it's much more entertaining that Fox or CNN :D :D :p


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Terror alert just a political move ?

Well, the best way to check the seriousness of terror alerts and the like is to watch the stock market. Funny thing those stock traders don't care much about politics when money is involved.<br /><br />The market, for the record, was effectively flat. The traders did not seem to take it too seriously.


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: Terror alert just a political move ?

Well dang plywoody if those stockbrokers think were safe we must be, forget listening to those we put in power. The same people who are saying this is a politcal move would be the ones who would relentlessly attack Bush if he said nothing and there was even the remotest possability of an attack.........the Left is slowly but surly showing that they dont have anything to bring to the table except unfair attacks on Bush instead of telling us the public what they would do(in depth) to make our country better.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Terror alert just a political move ?

If you don't know what the dems would do different then you have not been paying attention.<br />You may or may not agree with them, but they will certainly change the way we deal with terrorism.<br /><br />As far as "unfair" attacks, questioning the government has always been a right and a duty of the people and the press. I don't understand what has changed now, and why they are suddenly "unfair"?<br /><br />Is it because the current administration has difficulty in defending themselves? With anything based in reality, at least?


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Terror alert just a political move ?

I could explain easily why its unfair PW. The (911) comish said we didnt connect the dots...shame, shame, now when the admin does they say there over-reacting. Sounds like, " I voted for it before I voted against it..BS <br /><br />The dems are in panic mode...because they have painted themselves into a corner, so far that they cant jump out of it no matter what....<br /><br />I wont say its unfair though, just typical.. :D


Chief Petty Officer
May 18, 2004
Re: Terror alert just a political move ?

I will say that if they have specific and credible information, then it should be provided to the public ALWAYS. But if anyone recalls, the last terror alert before this specific one just happened to come on the day Ken Lay (Kenny boy to Bush) was arrested from Enron and GW walked out on the press because he couldn't handle the questions about it. The arrest stayed on the front page of the online news sources for maybe 2 hours before it was replaced with a non-specific terror warning from old, recycled information. The Dept. of Homeland Security even told us that the info was old and nothing new had been discovered.....a few days later. :rolleyes: Those are the ones that I think are BS. Has GW used some of the terror warnings to divert attention from potentially bad news? I think so. But I think just about any President would have done the same. The new alerts sound genuine though.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 20, 2002
Re: Terror alert just a political move ?

Setting terror alerts will probably never be a political winner for the government, but there would be a heck of a lot of negative political fallout AFTER a terror attack if the alarm wasn't raised beforehand - particularly if it was found that the authorities had some prior information...<br /><br />Who's to say that the security step up didn't prevent a terror attack ? We'll probably never know.<br /><br />I don't envy the people who have to decide how to react to all this terrorist information...it seems like a losing situation either way.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Terror alert just a political move ?

Originally posted by 62_Kiwi:<br />... it seems like a losing situation either way.
It's only that way 62_Kiwi, when you have an empty suit opponent who has shown he will try to vilify you, no matter which course you take. Even in grave national matters.


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: Terror alert just a political move ?

Hey plywoody I have been paying attention and after all the dancing around and meaningless drible drable the Dems have spouted about how they would differ in dealing with terrorism and the war on Iraq, is that they would seek help from those ( as far as im concerned, cowardly, dishonest ) countrys such as France,russia,Germany and the UN ( who are closer to enemies of us then allies as far as Im concerned.)..........Your right I dont agree with them, And your also right it would change the way we deal with terrorism......by hiding our heads in the sand and almost for sure experiencing many more attacks on "OUR" soil.Sorry but Bush brought the fight to them and with Bush being re-elected we will continue to keep it there and God willing not here.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 9, 2003
Re: Terror alert just a political move ?

Sneak in from Mexico and Canada. Hard to sneak in from IRAQ? Oh, guess I am wrong agian. Lets keep attacking countries thousands of miles away. That will keep us safe.


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: Terror alert just a political move ?

No its not a border that we are closeing but it is in their own backyard.........Do you think Kerry would close the borders any better then Bush? I think your misunderstanding why we attack them there........ITS WHERE THEY ARE FROM......Afganistan,Iraq, Seria, Iran......thats where our enemies lie not mexico or canada.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 9, 2003
Re: Terror alert just a political move ?

Bush(Dubya) is trying to get the Hispanic vote by saying that anyone here now will be given an ok. The last person arrested, she came from the Mexican border, enough said. <br /> I am closer to the Canada. Our Gov. is Pewlenty and I don't think he knows which way is down(not up).<br />If I was a terrorist I would come in from the great white north and no one would have a clue. When it happens it will be the liberals fault. Bank on it.


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: Terror alert just a political move ?

Telmanmn, its not that Im saying that it is not possable to be entered on either of those borders but What Im saying is that at least Bush is doing something by going to thier "headquarters" Nobody should misunderstand that as od 9?11 we are at war and the only way we will win is if we fight....not hide behind the UN. The left proposes that exact political move and I for one would rather we take matters into our own hands. Its my guess that no matter what Bush does the left will find fault in his decision. If he invades hes a war monger....if he doesnt he doesnt do enough to protect us. If he warns us about a possable attack and it doesnt come true its a political move ....if he doesnt warn ( weather the admintration knows about it or not)its his fault for not telling us. :mad:


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Terror alert just a political move ?

Mikeandronda, dont get yourself flusterd thinking your going to convince folks with an additude like Telm. People like this are the first to bend over the table with their families when the enemy rolls into town. Just like the french, they think love conquers all..they just want to feel better about themselves if they can convince you into leaning with them against the table sooner rather than later. They figure, hey ya'll buck up! this is only gonna hurt for a little while and then they will (get off) and leave us all alone...and probably respect us in the morning.