Suzuki DT115 temperature sensor squirts water!!?


Dec 13, 2011
Hi guys, I'm a newbie as you can tell. I have aquired an old (1981) DT115. There is what I thought was temp sensor prutruding from the lower cylinder water cover. It's about two inches long, hexagonal in profile . Whilst running the engine there was water squirting out of the end. Is this a temp sensor and if so does it have some electrical probe which fits in the hole or is there some other explaination?
I tried to do some research but Google kept leading me here!
I'ld really appreciate anf info.


Dec 13, 2011
Re: Suzuki DT115 temperature sensor squirts water!!?

Yeah, I already had a look at Browns Point . Unfortunatley there is nothing that resembles the thing! I'm beginning to think maybe it's an after market temp or pressure sensor. I'll keep looking and if I find anything useful I'll post.


Fleet Admiral
Sep 7, 2008
Re: Suzuki DT115 temperature sensor squirts water!!?

how about a pic


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Suzuki DT115 temperature sensor squirts water!!?

Why not tell us if you have a water pressure gauge on the console. If you do, does it work? If not it very likely is because the hose is disconnected at the fitting you are describing. Next, look carefully at the fitting. Does the outer edge of it look like it has ridges on it (called a hose barb)? If so, it is very likely a hose barb for the hose that feeds the water pressure gauge. If you don't have a water pressure gauge, then it is definitely something else. If it was temperature sender (an electrical device) then there should be a wire(s) dangling in the area with the missing piece of the sender attached. One more check would be to plug the fitting, start the engine, and see which gauge doesn't work. If the key-on alarm system doesn't work it may be because this device is damaged. Help yourself here and be a bit analytical.


Dec 13, 2011
Re: Suzuki DT115 temperature sensor squirts water!!?

Hi Silvertip,
Everything you said makes sense, I don't have a water pressure gauge,I bought the motor second hand and it didn't come with one. I've never heard of them on boats and thats what threw me.
I did do some analysis and worked out it is a water pressure related thing, you got to it before I did!! That's why you're a Supreme Comander and I'm just a Cadet!!! ;)
How important is a water pressure gauge? Can I live without it? Is a temp gauge enough?
I know, questions questions!! But hey, if you don't ask, you'll never find out!
Thanks for the feed back.


Fleet Admiral
Sep 7, 2008
Re: Suzuki DT115 temperature sensor squirts water!!?

Water pressure can tell you when the pump is starting to get weak( not pumping as good as it was before) while a temperature gauge tell you when the temperature is higher than normal.

either one is better than the factory alarm that tell you is has already overheated


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Suzuki DT115 temperature sensor squirts water!!?

If you just add a water pressure gauge at this point it will not provide a real picture of the health of the water pump. You typically install a new water pump (especially if you just acquired the engine) when you add a WP gauge. You then take readings at idle, mid-range and wide open throttle. Any deviation from those numbers down the road indicates the water pump needs attention. You can get along without the gauge as we have for many decades. Like any gauge, they are informational. If you don't care what the WP is then you don't need it. But when the engine locks up due to a pump failure you may have wished you had one. Information from multiple sources is always helpful. A temp gauge tells you the engine is overheating but that can occur quickly. The engine tell tale is just a "relative" indicator of water pump function. And a broken alarm system is of no help and again, activates only when the overheat is in progress.