Stupid Thing I Did last 4th of july


Seaman Apprentice
Dec 16, 2003
I used to own a baja 18 BR. 150 black max, nice little boat. <br /><br />Anyways, each year on the 4th, me and a bunch of buddies head out to watch the fireworks on the water. Everyone usually ties up, just has a great time. Usually a few hundred boats. Anyways, we went out and all was well. Motor was running real good, everthing was going smooth. <br /><br />We get to our destination, and i prepare to throw out the anchor. I pull it out from under the back bench seat, uncoil the line, and throw it out. Well, I followed it right into the water as i watched the end of the line sink to the bottom :D Turns out i forgot to cleat it. But by the time i noticed, it was too late.<br /><br />Second danforth in one season. <br /><br />Anchor- 2 <br />Jeff- 0


Jan 22, 2002
Re: Stupid Thing I Did last 4th of july

one time i cut a birdnest out of my baitcaster. i pulled the line out thru the guides, pulled line out enough to be even with the butt of the rod, just to make sure there weren't any pieces left. tied on the spook, cast the h&ll out of it, and then realized there really was another cut loop in the reel. it surprised me how fast that spook disappeared :mad:


Master Chief Petty Officer
Nov 28, 2003
Re: Stupid Thing I Did last 4th of july

Time for a confession. About 3 weeks ago LF & I were fishing and the wind was blowing pretty good so I had LF put out our drift anchor. After a while I happened to notice that she had tied it a little too close to the boat. I let a little more line out and retied it when she wasn't looking. Later that day I was sitting there when out of the corner of my eye I saw the loose end of the anchor rope going over the gunwhale. I tried to grab it but missed. We lost the drift anchor and 50 ft. of braided line. She felt terrible and couldn't understand how it had came loose. I kept silent about who had really tied it last. :D


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: Stupid Thing I Did last 4th of july

I have a small 11ft runabout. When I was dating my now ex-wife, We loaded the boat with a bunch of rocks and some old railroad ties for a fire pit on a tiny island we liked to have picnics at. There were only a couple of inches between the top of the gunwale and the water. We made it to the island okay, but I tried to pull the bow up on the island and the stern sank within seconds. We got everything off and I emptied the water out of the boat and the carb and we made it home...after our picnic. Fortunately the magneto stayed above water. WHEW!

Walt T

Mar 16, 2002
Re: Stupid Thing I Did last 4th of july

Aw, Let any of use who has not lost an anchor and told the wife it was an accident condemn another for doing it.<br /><br />That's what I thought.<br /><br />you know what gets me, I've dumbly tossed anchors and rode into the water and lost them and so has my wife. I don't ride her for it, I just grab another and use that. But she sure likes telling the stories of me tossing anchors to friends and anyone that will listen. Guess women do anything to keep up the old self esteem.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Nov 28, 2003
Re: Stupid Thing I Did last 4th of july

What I don't understand is the difference. If she tells averybody about some bonehead move I make she's just "being funny". If I do the same to her I'm "just trying to embarrass her". I'll never figure her out.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 16, 2002
Re: Stupid Thing I Did last 4th of july

We went to see the fireworks in the boat for australia day some years ago now.. took some mates, mostly female but one was male...<br /><br />I asked the male mate to keep us in postition while I went up front to drop the anchor.. (was strong wind/current that day..)<br /><br />Anyway, I drop the anchor and call out that he should kill the motor... then I yell louder, still he misses it.. (yelling over the cabin, and he was not looking at me..) kept yelling till the anchor rope snapped when the line was all used up..<br /> <br />So, there we are, in a small windy area crammed with about 100 other boats, with no anchor..<br /><br />Had to put ashore on a nearby island and find a really biga$$ rock.. which we tied a rope to and used as an anchor.. <br /><br />That was very embarrasing for me, cos people all around us were pi$$ing themselves laughing.. <br /><br />It worked though..<br /><br />rgds<br /><br />Franki