Sporadic Operating 125hp


Jul 3, 2007
Hey guys, I recently had lower unit issues and replaced the unit. Everything gear wise is functioning properly shifts smooth again, thankfully. Before I replaced the unit I adjusted the shift rod linkage to try and get some more time out of the unit. The result was the motor shifting, but it running very poorly, stalling consistently and not revving up to WOT.

I replaced the unit and went out for the first run, and it was awesome, except for it bogging out at WOT, but I believed it to be bogging from an inline fuel filter I had installed, starving the motor at WOT. It was nothing like it was before I replaced the lower unit, I thought I was all set, just take out the fuel filter.

Now today I went out, before I left I took the filter out and figured I was all set, oh what a mistake with boats. With 4 people on board I went to leave the dock and the motor was stalling miserably. I figured it was cold, mere optimism, but it ran terrible, and it ran the same way it did before I replaced the unit. Stalling out and the motor not opening up nearly close to WOT.

Now I am just dumbfounded, what could have changed in that span to cause such a difference. Timing? Stator not in synch? I just cant win. Fuel?


Sep 18, 2007
Re: Sporadic Operating 125hp

Has the fuel pump been rebuilt recently?

Check from the tank forward to the carbs and make sure there are no air leaks or trash in the system.

Are the carbs adjusted correctly?
Make sure carbs are tight at mounting surface.

Look at your throttle and choke valves and make sure there adjusted correctly.
If the throttle valves are over adjusted the engine will bog on top end looseing power and speed.

Check spark, you should get a crisp blue spark on each cylinder. (I remove the prop at this point just to be safe!)