Bought a boat that need a new starter motor. Got that replaced and hooked up. When I turn the key the starter engages and turns the fly wheel turns a couple of cranks and then it stops (it seems like the battery isn't powerful enough). I just bought a new batter which is a starter/deep cell 800+ MCA. Not sure if there is something restricting flywheel or if it is the battery or starter. I am getting a spark though. My electric choke doesn't seem to be working.<br /><br />My throttle and gear linkage cables are unhooked so I was trying to manually set the throttle and the neutral switch. I can't figure out how to hook these cables up. The manual I have doesn't show either. The cam and carb throttle (don't know if terminology is correct) each have a clamp but the ends of the linkage cables do not fit in them. One of the cables also has a socket screw on the end. Can anyone tell me how these should be hooked up?<br /><br />Any tips I could try to get the engine started?<br /><br />-----------------------<br />Chrysler 55 HP (66-69)<br />Serial: 5552<br />Model: 2194