Propeller Maintenance

Apr 5, 2011
The propeller of your boat generally works by changing the power of the engine into a thrusting which ensures that your boat is moved forward. It is actually very important to know how to do basic propeller maintenance and repair tasks so as to assist you in taking good care of your boat without incurring excessive costs of repair technicians. Cavitation, roughness, surface damage and corrosion to a propeller reduce its efficiency and hence raise the consumption of fuel and may result into many other damages that are costly. For proper maintenance of a boat propeller, there are several things that should be considered.


First and foremost, it is very important that you always carry a spare propeller to be used in case of emergencies. The benefit of carrying a spare boat propeller is that you can always use your boat since you have another propeller in case the one in use is damaged. In addition to that, a spare propeller will be will be used when the other one is still being repaired. Boat propellers can be bought at reasonable price and in the long run it is still more cost effective to carry a spare boat propeller so that you can always use your bought whenever you wish without any worry.

Secondly, you should never run a boat for a very long period with a propeller that is damaged as this may result into severe damage to your boat propeller hence causing bush failure or cavitation burns. Doing this may also result to stem gear or engine damage. Some of the symptoms of a damaged propeller apart from seeing the obvious blade damage symptoms include; loss of speed, vibration in use, poor economy of fuel, loss of power and apparent slipping among others.

In addition to that, it is also very crucial to paint the boat propellers as part of the maintenance effort. However, stern gear and propellers must never be coated with metal based paints or standard anti-fouling. In case you decide to use an anti-fouling which is intended for use on propellers and stern gear, you must make sure that you keenly follow the instructions of the manufacturer which often states that bare metal especially aluminum should be primed before application. However, in most cases the boat propellers which are painted with any kind of anti fouling are more prone to electrolysis hence it is advisable not to use it.

Furthermore, so as to maintain the best possible performance from your boat, it is important that always service your boat propeller each and every time it is damaged or at least once in every year. You should also hire a certified technician to balance your propeller so as to ensure it runs free of any kind of troublesome or even vibrations that are very dangerous. It is also important to test the exhaust and bush ring. Always make a note a note in case either of these two parts require replacing and then get a good repair technician to replace the parts if necessary.