Problems with Repair service.


Aug 26, 2003
Hi, my boat has a 1989 28spl evinrude outboard on it. Last month I was out on the lake and it died with no fire on both plugs. <br /><br />I was about to go on vacation so I dropped it off at a local shop to have them repair it. Well when I got back it was all fixed and ready to go, the CDI was bad so they repaced it.<br /><br />If only it was this easy, well after driving the boat for a total of 30 minutes it goes dead again, no fire as before. Well I get it home and start looking over the motor, and notice the rectifier red lead is burned off, It was not a new break as it was corroded up quite a bit. Well I took the motor back to the Shop and showed them the problems I had found, they honored the warrenty on the parts and again replaced the CDI. I also noticed the rectifier had not been changed. <br /><br />Well when I asked him about it he got a bit defensive about the whole situation and said it was not part of the warrenty work, and that the reason he thinks the CDI is going bad over and over is a leaking upper seal getting oil on things. Although I have seen no oil anywhere under the flywheel or not. <br /><br />I asked him as well if the rectifier could cause the CDI to go bad. He then replies that he just thinks it was a fault replacement and things sould be fine. At this point I am very uncomfortable with the whole situation. I am afraid at this point to even start the boat untill I get some strait answers on the possible cause, Frankly I am tired of trolling to the boat ramp.<br /><br />What effect would a burned up rectifier have on the CDI, and what might cause the CDI to go bad that fast? And what should I check in addition to replacing the rectifier.


Seaman Apprentice
May 29, 2004
Re: Problems with Repair service.

Hi <br />If your rectifier has burnt ,can be if the battery leads have been disconeted when it is running,or the leeds on the wrong terminal,positive to negitive or visa-versa.