Posting Pictures on iBoats 101


Master Chief Petty Officer
Aug 12, 2003
Ok....they REALLY nead a FAQ on this..<br /><br />Posting Pictures to iBoats 101<br /><br />There is 2 methods of posting pictures here:<br />1. Link - this method is much appreciated by all the people on slow internet connctions. They can still read the post and if the want to look at your picture..they can click on the link. (links usually open up in a separate window so they can continue reading posts while it loads).<br /><br />2. Insert - this method puts the picture directly in your post. It looks fabulous...BUT you are hated by all dial-up users. Resizing the original is usually very helpful with this method. People with slow connections are more likely to skip to the next post if they have to wait until your HUGE picture (that they will have to scroll around to see a corner at a time) loads.<br /><br />What do I need to post a picture here?<br />1. A picture in digital format.<br />2. A place on the internet to store it. IBoats does NOT allow pictures to be uploaded to their site. You must have another location to "host" your pictures. This can be webspace that your ISP provided or one of many picture hosting sites. I use my website so I am not too familar with the hosting sites. VERY IMPORTANT - the location of the pictures must be accessable by all. Some sites require accounts or passwords to VIEW...I would stay away from these (I know that I am not going to join Big Bubba's Picture site just to view the picture of your boat).<br />3. An account here at iBoats. :cool:<br /><br /> have a hosting site, you have pictures on you pc (not taped to files) and you have an iBoat's are ready. <br /><br />Upload pictures to website (follow their directions for this). You need the URL for the picture. Some sites have the pictures URL shown...others may be alittle trickier. I use my ISP so I know that all my pictures are located at <br /><br />Test your URL. Open a new internet explorer window and put that URL in the address (cut and paste URL from site or type it EXACTLY as shown). The picture should now be the only thing in the new window. If it is too big, resize piture on your pc...upload new picture and try again. Once you have the picture viewed properly you are ready to post.<br /><br />If you are replying to an existing post, select FULL REPLY (Instant UBB Code is your friend).<br />Type your message up to the point that you want to add a link or picture.<br />Click URL (for link) or IMAGE (for inserting picture). When prompted for URL..just paste the address from your window with picture in it. If you choose to do a link...then you will be asked for a name (Default = web page) this is what will be shown in your post.<br />Finish up your post...and preview it...make any adjustments...scream for help etc...if it doesn't work right.<br /><br />Good Luck.<br /><br />-JMW<br /><br />ps..this works for avatars also...just need to copy/paste your avatar picture address into your profile.


Aug 18, 2008
Re: Posting Pictures on iBoats 101

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