Committed the cardinal sin and bought a boat without test driving, dumb dumb dumb !
The under floor gas tank was not being used, they had a 6 gal Jerry jug.
Not sure how to troubleshoot the tank, but would like to use it instead of 2 12 gal externall tanks.
So, I'm not sure if it is broken, how to test the tank, pickup etc etc,any help would be appreciated.
I repaired the wiring carbs and tllt trim motor last year.....
Thx in advance for the assistance!
Committed the cardinal sin and bought a boat without test driving, dumb dumb dumb !
The under floor gas tank was not being used, they had a 6 gal Jerry jug.
Not sure how to troubleshoot the tank, but would like to use it instead of 2 12 gal externall tanks.
So, I'm not sure if it is broken, how to test the tank, pickup etc etc,any help would be appreciated.
I repaired the wiring carbs and tllt trim motor last year.....
Thx in advance for the assistance!