new honda 90hp what is a safe rpm


Jun 8, 2011
I just got a new honda 90 hp, I goes up to 6,000 rpm. Does anybody know if 5,000 rpm is to high, the boat ran nice at that . But I don`t know if thats to high. Honda doesn`t say anything in the manual. thanks

robert graham

Apr 16, 2009
Re: new honda 90hp what is a safe rpm

If you're through the break-in period of lower RPM's, then run the motor at any RPM that suits your needs, up to 6000. A correct boat/motor/prop setup should allow the motor to reach it's recommended maximum RPM, fully loaded. Also I believe most motors should be run at least occasionally at Wide Open Throttle/Maximum RPM's. I rarely run wide open because it's too much speed and burns too much gas, so usually cruise in the 2500 to 3500 RPM range. Good Luck!


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 28, 2004
Re: new honda 90hp what is a safe rpm

The power band on that outboard is fairly broad. You want to be propped WOT as close as you can to 5800 RPM's- which is the RPM where it produces its peak HP. You can prop WOT up to 6300 RPM's, but to get the most benefit, target your WOT RPM at 5800 in your prop selection. Obviously, prop tune for normal payload, fuel load, passenger load, etc.

Every boat is different, but I suspect that if your "seat of the pants" feel for the sweet spot is 5000 RPM's, then it could be fairly accurate (I would think the sweet spot would be more around 4500- but that obviously depends upon the boat you are running, and how you are using the outboard).


Jun 8, 2011
Re: new honda 90hp what is a safe rpm

Thanks, for the info. It`s a big help , honda should give more information about the engine. Your right about the rpm`s great call. After putting a few more hours on the engine the sweet spot is 4500 to 4600. At that rpm`s it crusies at 23 mph. That just what I was hoping for . I`am not interested in a lot of speed. It`s a fishing boat , and I`am in my 50`s I like it nice and smooth. What do you think about this engine I like it so far. Thank`s again for all the info. I`am breaking it in by varing the rpm`s At all rpm`s but very little over 5,ooo. Is that right , again very little info from honda .