Motor dies hard after a few minutes


Jun 21, 2001
I have a 1957 evinrude 35 hp Lark engine.<br />I have done everything except put new coils on it. <br />It starts great and runs good for about a minute,then it'll jerk real hard like it's out of time and it dies. I was told that the coils might be bad and that when they get warm they might be arcing on the fly wheel.<br />I was told that sometimes they get tiny cracks that only open up enough to arc when they get warm.<br />does this sound like my problem or does it sound more like timing, and if it is timing, can anyone give me advice on how to properly set the timing. I have tried what the book says , but I'm not real sure I understand it fully.<br />Thanks for the help.<br />God Bless, Chuck


Jul 5, 2001
Re: Motor dies hard after a few minutes

jetman<br />I have a 58 50 hp got it not running, what you discribe sounds like what mine did when I first got it running. Mine was the low speed jet adjustments on the carb, to lean. I can not say that your carbs are the same as mine but low speed jets 1.5 turns out from seated and high speed jets 3/8 turn out. That is out of my book. if yours is like mine (has distributor with drive belt) timing and sync is not easy read it several times untill you understand it, then it will work. Hang in there you'll get it.<br />Richard