major carb fuel leak


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 27, 2006
I’ve been having trouble with excessive smoke in exhaust and low WOT rpms—thanks to great suggestions on this forum, I checked for fuel leaks. One problem was the priming bulb, which I replaced and the new one solved one minor problem with not staying full—never got full and stayed hard. The bulb stayed pressurized after replacing and I looked for further leaks. I found one at the fuel manifold due to a broken strap—replaced the clamps and this took care of that. However, the smoke and low rpm stayed. I checked further last night by pumping the priming bulb and now there is suddenly a big one-- when I pump the priming bulb, I can hear fuel gurgling through and fuel comes spitting out of the lowest of the 3 carbs from a “hole” in the top of the carb (in carb frame between the two barrels); from the brp diagram it looks like this hole leads to the chamber that appears to be called the "idle passage". I am thinking that the idle orifice/or jet? was loose and popped out when i replaced the priming bulb (which now holds pressure)-- leading to pressure build-up and failure at a weak spot in the carb?? this may make sense if the jet was loose and excessive air was getting in and causing inefficient combustion and therefore excessive fuel and smoke in the exhaust. I bought OMC carb rebuild kits yesterday and plan to start tonight, with the bottom carb first in line. I am just wondering if the experts out there think I need to worry about anything else before I begin.
Thanks in advance for your advice, and more thanks for all I have learned from this forum!!


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: major carb fuel leak

Isn't it odd how it's always the bottom carb? Never the top one that's easy to get to. Oh well.....

Sounds like we have a float sticking open or a problem in the needle & seat area. Anyway there will be new ones in the kits, you'll be fine.

BTW, I believe the hole you're talking about is the bowl vent.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 27, 2006
Re: major carb fuel leak

Thanks, Supreme Commander!! Just wnated to be sure before i started taking things apart....