Last post by...... Site suggestion.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 4, 2001
Now I'm not complaining or anything. What would I do without my daily visit to Iboats, but I had a suggestion.<br />I see you have the Last post by So&So at Day/Time in the main forum, but when you go to the sub-forum it just has the last time someone posted, but no name.<br />If it had a name behind the last post by I could tell if someone has replied to a thread I've posted in. <br /><br />While I'm here, Is there a way to maybe get a different icon on threads that you have posted in.... you know..... on regular threads you get a folder, maybe if it's a thread you've posted in you can get a different looking folder. <br /><br />& one last thing. While I like the avatars, some people's avatars are large & will stretch across the screen, making their posts hard to read. Is there a way to limit the size? <br /><br />Thanks Iboats for all your hard work.<br />Brian


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Last post by...... Site suggestion.

If you want to know about if someone has posted a reply in a certain thread, just click that you want to be notified of replies and it will email you when there is one.<br /><br />You have to do this in the new topic window or the full reply screen.


Jul 15, 2002
Re: Last post by...... Site suggestion.

Click on "My Profile"<br /><br />Then "Recent Posts"<br /><br />I have two bookmarks for iboats,<br />one to the main forum page,<br />and another to "my posts" I can go directly to the list of everything I have posted in and see how many posts there are to know if there are any replies. This is very helpfull to see if you have a reply on a seldom visited forum. <br /><br />It has to be a really slow day for me to wander to the outboard section, as I VERY seldom would have any input there, the "my posts" is very handy for those situations.