help with 4" hole


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 5, 2010
Hello, its been awhile since i've been on here. Its been even longer since ive been able to work on the boat, the warden (wife) gave me the ok so im at it again. Anyways i need to fill in this 4" hole on the top of the cap. It used to be a vent leading to the drivers feet (?) (Previous owner) whats the best way to do it. I have access to both sides. Thanks for your input.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 8, 2011
Re: help with 4" hole

I repaired some small holes (2" or so..) using short strand filler. Clamped packing tape covered plywood to the underside and filled from the top...sanded smooth...packing tape allows removal of plywood from bottom. I'm not an expert by any means, but this worked for me!..


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 30, 2010
Re: help with 4" hole

Most likely can be repaired only from the top, since doesn't sound strucural, but a picture would help. Need to see, just what we are dealing with. (odd shapes, color matching, thickness, etc.)


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: help with 4" hole

Welcome Back!!

Since you Said you had access to front and back, I'd sand the back with some 60 grit and lay a couple a layers of 1.5 oz mat soaked in resin over the hole and hold em in place with some taped on cardboard and plastic. 30 mins later from the topside, I'd mix up some resin with some cabosil and chopped fibers and fill the hole. 30 mins later I'd sand it smooth then fill and fair and paint or gelcoat. Since it's above the waterline I suppose you could use bondo hair on it but I'll probably get in trouble for saying that.:p Lot's of examples here on the forum or google it up. As stated before Pics would really help!!!!

Yacht Dr.

Vice Admiral
Feb 26, 2005
Re: help with 4" hole

Yes Cadwelder said..Whats the thickness ? is there core or just thin fiberglass.

Need more input as Johnny 5 would say ( hmm..can I change my name to Johnny 5 ? ;) ) Need Input .. More input..



Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: help with 4" hole

My original post methods would work just fine IMHO:D

Yacht Dr.

Vice Admiral
Feb 26, 2005
Re: help with 4" hole

Thanks for the quick update :)

Now the glass repair is simple. Scuff and a few layers of glass on the inside ( 2 1.5 oz mats should do it ).

Then grind and bevel the outside and a few layers of glass should build up fine..

Then fair,prep and coat/finish.

You Could do it in reverse order and scuff then inside ( tape some formica on the outside deck ) glass inside. Pop the form off of the outside and then grind your seams .. fill and fair.

I prefer the first as its nice and flat and can be sanded smooth with minimal overhead grinding/glassing.

However.. Looking at the pics..your on a fine line of blue and red. The blue Seems to be painted (?) .. is the red painted as well ?

To do it right your going to have to breach both the blue and the red. Your blending 2 colors now..

First off .. is it paint or gel ?

That blue again looks like paint chips from the fastener point of view.



Lieutenant Commander
Aug 30, 2010
Re: help with 4" hole

Oh heck, piece of cake, nice flat surface too. Looks like you can get to both sides fairly easy. Take a piece of hard plastic and waxed it a bit (to keep the glass from sticking) and place it over the hole from the back side, then place a board over than (for stiffness). Clamp the board to the top with some C-Clamps (or whatever method is easiest). Then grid out about 5" larger than the hole and taper the glass down rather thin at the holes edges, (be careful at the rounded edges) Cut some circles of CSM the size of the hole and then cut additional, getting about a 1" larger each time. Alternate a layer of CSM and Cloth each step. Mix up some polyester resin and starting laminating the pieces into the hole. Build it up until the same thickness is reached, let it cure. Now you care start fairing (sanding) down you patch to blend in with the exisiting surface. Now, some will say to mix some gelcoat to match your color for the final step, but I've never been good at that so I'd use a good automotive enamel (eaiser to match) for the final step. Buff it out and blend in the area.

Now you can remove the backer, once the patch has cured and do some grinding from the back side and add a layer of CSM there also, but I really don't think it's need since this isn't structural.

Lets see what YD adds to this.....


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 30, 2010
Re: help with 4" hole

Looks like we were answering at the same time.