Haiti & Aristide


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 1, 2003
I am tired of this dingbat proclaiming that he was kiddnapped and taken against his will to Africa. What say we reinstate him, We can drop him off right where he was "kiddnapped" from and let him run the country he feels he was in control of. SEEMS LIKE THE RIGHT THING TO DO TO ME. :confused: :mad:


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: Haiti & Aristide

he signed agreement to step down if the US would<br />guarantee his safe exit from the country. he just<br />don't like the way we did it... too bad!<br />he's lucky to be alive IMO.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 22, 2004
Re: Haiti & Aristide

Dictators are only in power if they have an army or police force. I propose in the next deposition of a dictator that we remove the army (protection of said dictator) and see how the dictator fairs with his "subjects". We could also drop a few thousand firearms that are slated for distruction in this country.

Jack Shellac

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 7, 2002
Re: Haiti & Aristide

I spent some time in Haiti back in the 50's when Papa Doc Duvalier was in power. His goons walked the streets wearing mirrored sunglasses and carrying M-3 grease guns [which we provided] and generally terrorized the citizens to keep himself in power. It seems to be a characteristic of these countries that they can't keep a democratic goverment; it always evolves into a dictatorship. Why? I don't know, unless it's because most of the people are un-educated and in poverty.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Haiti & Aristide

hello<br /> I agree. Hati is was and has been a mess for over 100 years. but bubba dubya has missed the boat on venezuela. castro is a big influence on the govt down there. the current president is trying to be a communist democracy like cuba. the only difference is they have vast oil,bauxite,copper lead and uranium resorces, places like Hatii, cuba and afghanistan really have very little to trade. south american oil is like a 4 day boat ride from the gulf. it makes no sense that we play in the middle east and muck about there and not watch what happens in a place that is 3 hours by air from miami.<br /> makes no sense at all. our foriegn policy bite and have for years.<br /> its no wonder that people in other countries wonder what the US is doing.<br /> maybe the 14 year olds can figgue it out :) :) <br /> I did figgue out fighting wars finally.<br /> Rodbolts war machine. 1st wave is all the politicians, well armed and outfitted with machines and weapons procured from the lowest bidder of course, the second wave if nessasary will be all the clergy. the third and final wave, if its still worth fighting for will have me and my trusty sidearms in it.<br /> good luck and keep posting


Jun 4, 2003
Re: Haiti & Aristide

Hey Rodbolt, the Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez had a news conference a couple days ago saying that if the US invades Venezuela we will fight a war that lasts 100 years. ;)


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Haiti & Aristide

nuemanns<br /> yep would be the second mother of all battle I reckon. I wonder if dubya was listening the other day when Chavez called him an A**hole. good thing he aint calt him a chiken. :) :) <br /> now that would be some fighten werds. would have to open a whole can of whompa**.<br /> but hopefully something will be done soon what with our new oil in Iraq and all. 3 dollar a gallon gas is gonna hurt.<br /> good luck and keep posting


Jun 4, 2003
Re: Haiti & Aristide

Rodbolt,<br />I have a friend that was in the Marines with me who now lives just outside of Caracas. He calls me about once a month or so, and he says that every speech Chavez gives is just loaded with anti-American sentiment.<br /><br />He tells me that with all the oil they have there, they still have to wait over an hour at the pumps because they are only open for a couple hours a day.


Chief Petty Officer
May 18, 2004
Re: Haiti & Aristide

Originally posted by rodbolt:<br /> nuemanns<br /> yep would be the second mother of all battle I reckon. I wonder if dubya was listening the other day when Chavez called him an A**hole. good thing he aint calt him a chiken. :) :) <br /> now that would be some fighten werds. would have to open a whole can of whompa**.<br /> but hopefully something will be done soon what with our new oil in Iraq and all. 3 dollar a gallon gas is gonna hurt.<br /> good luck and keep posting
Chicken, Chickenhawk....same differnece


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2003
Re: Haiti & Aristide

You have to wonder what the intelegence level of these people are. They have an oil supply that close, and are now trying to draw attention from the U.S.. A big user of oil with lots of heavy guns and ammunition. <br /><br />I am thinking they just want billions in support as well, just like the Iraqis are getting.