Gear selection problem !


Seaman Apprentice
May 31, 2006
Hi ,<br /><br />I cant move my outboard into gear by hand / or cable while the engine is not running it seems solid, I have not tried it while the engine is running.<br /><br />I drained the gearbox and found water in the oil aswell as oily sluge !<br /><br />1) Should i be able to put it into gear while the engine is not running ?<br /><br />2) I have found a small crack on the right hand side near the propellor ! This could be the cause ?<br /><br />Whats your opinion on this ?<br /><br />1967 Johnson 33HP elecrtic start


Apr 21, 2003
Re: Gear selection problem !

You should be able to shift into gear without the motor running by putting gentle pressure on the gearshift lever while slowly rotating the flywheel clockwise. You can slowly pull the rope starter too.<br /><br />Crack in lower unit is most probably the reason for the water intrusion into the lower unit.


Seaman Apprentice
May 31, 2006
Re: Gear selection problem !

I did try to move the flywheel and move it in but it didnt move at all ! do you think this could be a big problem with the gears ?<br /><br />Is it possible to put that liquid glue over the crack to repair it ? i live in the UK and its very hard to get spares ! Have to make do with what i have got !

Paul Moir

Nov 5, 2002
Re: Gear selection problem !

Can you be more specific about where the crack is? How close (cm?) to the propeller? On the cap or the main body of the l/u?<br /><br />Can you rotate the propeller and try the gear shift again? If you push the shift handle, is there the slightest of free movement?


Seaman Apprentice
May 31, 2006
Re: Gear selection problem !

How do you add a picture on here and i will show you the crack / corrosion ! if i push the the handle there is no movement at all , even if i move the propellor or flywheel it will not budge ! i will try and add a picture tonight after work


Apr 21, 2003
Re: Gear selection problem !

OK, I'll try to keep this short and sweet:<br /><br />Basically, you have to have the picture(s) stored on a picture hosting site (<br />You add a reply to your post , here at iboats using the Full Reply Form<br />Click on the 'image' tag<br />A dialog box open asking you to enter the location of your picture on Photobucket<br />When you click OK, your picture will be inserted in your post here at iboats<br /><br />Details:<br /><br />1. Save your picture to a folder on your computer (remember the name of this folder) Example: C:\My Documents\ My Pictures<br />2. Go to<br />3. Create a free account on their site (create a user name and a password)<br />4. Click on "Browse" (browse to the folder on your computer where you saved your picture (see #1 above))<br />5. Click on the picture file you want to send to Photobucket<br />6.Click on Submit (this sends your picture FROM your computer TO the photobucket website)<br />7. The picture can now be seen at photobucket<br />8. Underneath the picture you'll see a line showing the URL of your picture, click on that line, it will turn blue, press Control-C on your keyboard (this copies the address to your picture)<br />9. You can log out of Photobucket, your picture is stored in your account folder at Photobucket.<br />10. Come back to iboats<br />11. Add a reply to your post using the Full Reply Form<br />12. Click on the tab called "Image" (it's to the right of the smiley icons)<br />13. An address box will open, remove any text already in the box<br />14. Press Control-V on your keyboard (this pastes the address of your picture that's stored over at Photobucket)<br />15. Click OK<br />16. Add any text you like to your post and click Add Reply to finish.....your picture will show in your post.<br /><br />Whoops, one last tip: Using a photo editing program of your choice, be sure to resize the picture to a reasonable size BEFORE you upload it to Photobucket. Large pictures take a long time to display here on iboats. The folks using a dial-up Internet connection won't be happy waiting for your huge picture to be displayed. <br />Here's a simple to use program, that's free, that you can use to resize your pictures if you don't have a photo editing program. Free Photo Resizer Program