fuel tank protection


Seaman Apprentice
May 17, 2004
I've heard different opinions about what is the best thing to do to extend the life of built in fuel (gas) tanks. Should they be filled at the end of the season or should something be added to the fuel, or should I just leave them 1/2 full? These are not mixed with gas, although I put a small quantity of oil in to assure lubrication.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 18, 2002
Re: fuel tank protection

Hi,<br />I assume You have a gas tank built in the boat (for example under the floor or similar place).<br /><br />If You store the boat outside I suggest You fill the tank to full to avoid condensation inside tank and that way avoid water in tank.<br /><br />If You store the boat inside (warm garage for example) it should not matter if emty, half or full tank.<br /><br />I store my boat inside a warm garage in winter and leave the tank with whatever gas level in tank that was left when I got the boat out of the water when season ended. No problem for me.<br /><br />Some say old gas is not so good to use, but I have never had any problem after storage of gas for over a half year during the winter season. I live in Sweden by the way. But I have a Yamaha (Racor) water separator on fuel line so in case some water in tank (after winter season or during fill from marine gas station) any water will be separated and be shown in the bowl there (I have a transparent bowl on water separator).<br />You can add fuel stabilizer if You want (but I doubt it is neccsesary), for example:<br /> http://www.iboats.com/boatproducts/mallsearch/fuel_stabilizer/


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: fuel tank protection

I've heard a old saying of something like.."Do you use Marvel Mystery oil, and if not, why not?"<br /> Cheap, coats the tank, and works it way through the motor just fine. You said you add some oil, so good for you. Best bet is fill 90% full to leave room for expansion, ("Stabil" that first), run enough to get through the carb, and tape off any vents...done.. (leave a note on the taped vents).