Force 50 Lower unit

Denis Kansier Sr.

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 8, 2002
When I replaced the water pump impeller on my 1989 Force 50, I also replaced the seals for the drive shaft and shift lever. After the season I drained the lower unit and found it milky. Could it be that I didn't drain all of the old fluid, which was milky too, when I first started? Is there away to pressure check to see if the prop shaft seal or any other seal is leaking?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Force 50 Lower unit

Driftwood, did you change the little gaskets around the fill and vent screws? They might be bad and letting water in also.<br />Just my .02 worth.


Aug 16, 2002
Re: Force 50 Lower unit

Driftwood ,If you wanted to try to test for leak location yourself you could rig up a threaded fitting or schrader boot that you can attach a bicycle pump to.Drain lower unit oil and attach fitting to either drain hole or vent hole leaving the other tightened in place.Fitting needs to be water tight.Submerse lower unit in container of water deep enough to cover waterpump discharge ports.Inject air with bicycle pump up to 10psi and observe if air escapes from propshaft seal area ,vent or drain screw, or water discharge ports.If air comes from discharge ports leak is likely driveshaft seal or shiftrod seal. <br />A pump equipped with guage will allow you to determine when 10psi or approximate is reached.<br /> If you are getting water in lower unit it could also be coming in from something as simple as drain and vent screw seals as Spinner bait nut mentioned.You can replace these very cheaply.<br /> Man, I think I ate too much turkey.I feel like I'm fixing to blow a seal.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Force 50 Lower unit

I can relate to the seal stress OB refered to. I ate so much ham and turkeybird, I ran outta rolaids.<br />Check this link out.<br /> LOWER UNITS 101 <br /><br />You didn't mention the prop seal. And Spinner is dead-on about the new gaskets. Reusing them is a sure bet on a leak. (I doubt you were using used ones, because there are new ones in the seal kit).<br /><br />But even so, they only cost .50 apiece in the highest price marine supply houses.<br /><br />I would drain/refill the l/u,run it an hour or so, and drain/inspect again.<br />It will only cost you about 6 bukz for new lube and gaskets to find out if this was the cause.