I have a 1992 Yamaha 30 hp 2cylinder outboard. My buzzer is going off at the throttle. The engine is not oil injected so it leads me to believe that it is overheating. However, I have water coming out of the tattle tail at the same rate that is has always come out. The engine is running like it usually did. I am wondering if there is something else I sould think about if the impellor is ok. I am not sure of what else could cause the engine to overheat if I have plenty of water running through the engine. Any help would be greatly appreciated and I am also curious if there is anyone else who has seen this problem. One more point, I have been running everyday for the last two weeks and then all of a sudden it started doing this last sunday. <br /><br />Thanks<br /><br />------------------<br />Bubbie