Distributor alternatives


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 31, 2019
2001 Wellcraft with 5.7gspefs engine with a points distributor. After a visit to the mechanic due to backfiring and some other issues. The mechanic said that the dist was bad. He went into detail but i did not proceed with the dist replacement and brought it home. I personally am not a fan of points dist and prior to the visit to the shop i was planning on replacing the distributor with another type. The question is...Is it possible to replace the points dist with a delco voyager dist? I am not looking to add pertronix modules to the current dist.
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Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
volvo has been using electronic dizzys's since the 80's. if you have a points distributor, someone put it in there. the main thing that can go bad on a distributor is the $5 bottom bushing or the $8 top bushing, both available at NAPA, or the springs on the advance bar.

yes, you can switch to the delco voyager.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 31, 2019
Thank you folks, i wanted to upgrade little by little since it will be and investment. Either way the boat will be out of use for a while for other issues so might as well toss that into the mix.

kenny nunez

Jun 20, 2017
Your engine should have had a Petronics electronics module. The reason why the backfiring was happening is the rotor shaft got rusted and wears out the rubbing block on the points. Possible that the original module went out and someone put points in.
You can add a Petronics kit, it just drops in and connect the red wire to the “bat” or + side of the coil and the black to the “dist” or - side. Then check the timing.
You need to check the voltage at the “bat” side of the coil, with points it should be around 8-9 volts when running. If the voltage is 12 volts running then that is what caused the points to fail.
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Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 31, 2019
Part of the reason why i would like to upgrade is that i am planning on going Holley EFI over the winter and dump my carb. I am done with carbs
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Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Part of the reason why i would like to upgrade is that i am planning on going Holley EFI over the winter and dump my carb. I am done with carbs
hope you have better luck with aftermarket EFI than everyone I know


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 31, 2019
hope you have better luck with aftermarket EFI than everyone I know
Any recomendations on any other efi system that might work. I have read mixed feelings about the holley EFI. My replacement, if any, is a long way ahead so for the time being i am doing reading and research.

Lou C

Supreme Mariner
Nov 10, 2002
I think these may have come with the Prestolite BID system which was like the old points distributor with mechanical advance but with an electronic module instead of the points and condenser. Those modules have long since been NLA, so someone might have converted it to points, which of course you can still get. It would be good if you had more info as to why the engine is backfiring, could be things other than the distributor. Nothing wrong with a well maintained points distributor.
I like carbs and points. We grew up with both and understand both. EFI is great when new, the wiring connections are clean and not corroded/oxidized, when old, well there are many many more points of failure than a simple points ignition and carb!

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Any recomendations on any other efi system that might work. I have read mixed feelings about the holley EFI. My replacement, if any, is a long way ahead so for the time being i am doing reading and research.


Rear Admiral
Sep 27, 2012
Issue with EFI rears its ugly head with the marine side. Need to get an O2 sensor in it for learning. They don’t like water. It has been done but lots of hurdles. The Holley EFI is as good as any but you won’t be without more headaches than carb