Check Engine


Jun 3, 2005
Help!!<br /><br />This morning at 4:00 am, three of my friends and myself started our offshore fishing trip. When we arrived at the boat ... with only 2.5 hrs of sleep, we loaded up and I started the engines. My boat is a proline 2810 equipped with twin Johnson 225 Ocean Runners. Say what you want but for the six years I've owned the boat I have had minimal problems with these engines. Also I am not a mechanic by any stretch of the imagination. When I cranked the starboard engine she kicked right up. When I cranked the port engine she also kicked right up ... but a "check engine" light and alarm sounded immediately for about 10 seconds. We checked to see if the engines were peeing and all the regular stuff us non mechanics would look for and it stopped so I thought it was just a freak thing. We then set out on our 32 mile journey to fish and before I got across the bay to the pass the "check engine" light and alarm sounded again. This time we were cruising at about 4500 RPM and the engine shut down. We now pulled off the engine cover and looked for anything obvious. She was not overheating. So now the trip was over and it was time to limp home. As long as I kept both engines around 2000 RPM everything was fine. So I decided to do a test and see just where this happened. The warnings came on when the engine reached about 3500 RPM, so I brought it back to 2000 and limped in. <br /><br />Now ... looking at the engine owners manual at home it seems that when these warnings happen the engine is starving for fuel ... somehow. <br /><br />Next twist ... I just had FloScan fuel meters installed this week and they also changed the fuel/water separator filters. The Filters are WIX 33225. It does not say on their website the GPH flow with this filter but looking at all the rules of thumb it needs to be 10% of the engine horsepower … in this case 22.5 GPH flow. I wish I new what these were rated at so I could either change them or eliminate this theory. <br /><br />So here’s my questions;<br /><br />Why is the port engine "check engine" light and alarm sounding and why does it shut down at high RPM when the alarm sounds. It seems to me this should be an easy fix, especially since the work that was done on the boat this week, but I'm not a mechanic. I want to take these guys fishing tomorrow but need to know what to do today to fix this fuel starvation.<br /><br />Thanks,<br /><br />snakeyes<br /> :( :( :( :(