carburater problem 84 johnson 140


Apr 30, 2001
I have had my 1984 V-4 140H.P. powerhead rebuilt by a very reputable mechanic and we are all completely baffled as to why the right side bank cuts out of gas at lower idle. The fuel pump was replaced twice, the carbs have all been totally taken apart and cleaned and rebuilt twice looking for any debris in them and there has been nothing. When we remove the cover to the carb and spray fuel in at a low idle the cylindars fire. If any one has an idea as to what this may be from it will be very appreciated, also we have checked all of the older service bullitens and found nothing THANK YOU <br /><br />------------------

Big Rod

Seaman Apprentice
May 1, 2001
Re: carburater problem 84 johnson 140

Gonefishn, very good question. Happened to me also. Have yet to figure it out, but I'm sure someone out there will. Good luck...


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: carburater problem 84 johnson 140

I guess what you are saying is that it didn't do it before you rebuilt it. If it did then it's a totally different case. <br /><br />Describe the rebuild. All four pistons new? What size? What was the clearance? What brand pistons? Where is the idle stop screw? It should be about half way. If it's all the way in it may be a clue to whats wrong. Are you sure the reed box gaskets are on correctly with the short side out?<br /><br />Good luck!