Bringing 85hp Force back to life?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 23, 2008
I am soon to take posesion of a early-mid 90's Bayliner Capri with a 85hp force outboard. I have never worked on outboards before however I am very mechanically inclined. I do alot of automotive engine and electrical work so instead of giving a marina all of my money I have decided to take it on myself!

The boat was winterized in the fall of 04 and hasn't been touched since. It was in perfect running order when stored for the winter. Come spring time a new bigger boat was purchased and my boat was all but forgoten about.

So I mentioned to the cousin in question my possible interest in it and low and behold it is mine. Now I just have to pull it out of the field it has been in for 4yrs.

I don't wasnt to screw anything up so how should I revive this beast? What steps should be taken to get it running?

I am guessing the following:

1. New battery (duh!)
2. Change all fluids
3. Clean carb? How I don't know.
4. Clean fuel tanks? Again how I don't know.
5. Replace impeller. Thanks to lead thread in this section, I do know how!

Thanks for any advice!

Mike M.
Richmond VA.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Bringing 85hp Force back to life?

Engine FAQs, "Awakening a sleeping outboard".

Get a factory manual before you work on it.


Sep 18, 2007
Re: Bringing 85hp Force back to life?

Pull the spark plugs and put some outboard motor oil in each cylinder to oil up the cylinders don't want to turn the engine over dry!
Remove the propeller before doing any type of cranking test such as compression and spark checks don't want to get tangled up in the propeller.
I have a 89 125 Force that set for a dozen years and it runs strong and has good compression.

steve spears

Jun 25, 2008
Re: Bringing 85hp Force back to life?

First thing, run a compression test! You and your new boat may part company immediately! Should your compression be to your liking, go purchase a Force manual! Don't guess. Good luck (and may the Force be with you!!)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 23, 2008
Re: Bringing 85hp Force back to life?


I went and picked up the boat today. After a thurough cleaning of the boat I pulled the motor cover... It looked like it was brand new, except for the mice nest. A shopvac quickly fixed that and I have found no live guests so far. I squirted son oil into the cylinders and turned the flywheel by hand. I will updat once I do a compresion test but so far so good. Now if I could figure out how to clean out the gas tank.


Mike M.
Richmond, VA

Dave K.

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 21, 2007
Re: Bringing 85hp Force back to life?

mike, nor sure about your capri but mine has two 6 gal. tanks that easily come out. if your tank is inside the hull, post in the bayliner section. those guys helped me fix seats, run steering cable & something else i can't remember right now. gd luck w/ the your new boat!

john from md

Apr 13, 2008
Re: Bringing 85hp Force back to life?


After you get it running, make sure you do a decarb on it. The faq will give you the procedure.

Good luck,



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 23, 2008
Re: Bringing 85hp Force back to life?

Thanks Guys,

Dave Kirk, I wish it was as sinple as two small tanks. I have a 20gal? fuel tank glassed into the floor. I do have good access to the sending unit and fuel pick-up though. The top of the tank is visible at the with the bilge access cover removed at the rear in between the jumpseats. I think I am going to siphon the old gas out. Add 3-5 gal of fresh gas and some fuel treatment and take it for a spin around town. Then siphon out again. Change the fuel filters and hope for the best.

That I hope will take care of the old gas.

I am ordering a manuel for the motor and doing the impeller and lower unit oil next weekend along with plugs and will try to start on muffs just for grins and giggles but I think the carbs are going to have to be rebuilt before any performance will be achieved.

Thanks again!

Mike M.
Richmond, VA

P.S. Pics are coming soon! :)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 23, 2008
Re: Bringing 85hp Force back to life?


Well, I couldn't wait for all the parts to come in. My brother came over this morning and we went to tearing into the boat and motor with the goal of starting the motor by nightfall.

We pulled the plugs and were pleased to find them like new. Then we got the electrical connected and checked all circuits and found that the bilge pump and anchor lights are the only thing for functioning. This was followed by a compression test. Results from top to bottom cylenders 125, 130, 128. Numbers that close are good for me! The intake was removed to check the carbs. The carbs looked spotless, For this I have no explaination. I removed the glass see-through fuel filter and installed a fresh filter element. We also disconected the fuel line at the tank and installed a fuel filter/ water seperator. So filtering should not be a problem. After priming the line for what seemed like 10min with the hand bellew fuel finally appeared in the glass filter.

Then it was time for us to crank it! I put flush muffs on and turned the key... Nothing but the solinoid clicking... all of a sudden on the 4th or 5th time it spun. I got it to turn over by doing this and after a few tries my impatience got the better of me and as my brother spun it over I hit it with a quick shot of starting fluid and that was all it took.

The motor spun to life and within a couple of seconds I had a weak stream of water coming out of the motor. I let it run for a few minutes and shut it down for a while. After that it started fine with exception of having to bump the key a few times before the solinoid would engage the starter.

I couldn't be happier. I figured it wouldn't run till next year. Now I know I still have to replace the impeller but I will have that done in no time.

Thanks for all the advice, and I will get some pics up soon.


Sep 18, 2007
Re: Bringing 85hp Force back to life?

Sounds like things are going in the right direction!
I'd stay away from the starting fluid though! max!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 23, 2008
Re: Bringing 85hp Force back to life?

Yeah Max,

I'm not wild about it but it was only a quick shot. I know to stay away from frequent use.



Jack Daniels

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 21, 2007
Re: Bringing 85hp Force back to life?

How did the impellar change go, did it improve your water flow? What RPMs did you get her to idle at? Sounds like your good to go, enjoy her.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 23, 2008
Re: Bringing 85hp Force back to life?


I have yet to change the impeller. I haven't had the time to drop the lower unit and change it. I am hoping to this Sunday weather permiting. The water flow is nominal out of the motor however it hasn't gotten hot so I have felt OK running it for testing purposes. I will not put it in the lake till I change it though.

As for RPM's I don't have a tach so I couldn't tell you. I want to install one though. The first time I started it. it seemed to idle very high. I started it again this past weekend and it started high but went down after it came up to temp.

I am still haveing a problem getting it to start when cold. It seems to be a fuel problem. If I give it a tiny shot of starting fluid it wil fire right up then anytime after that I can shut it off and get it to refire with no prob.

I also think there is a flat spot on the starter. I have to hit the key four and five times to get the starter to spin-up. I can hear the solinoid clicking but the starter doesn't engage.

Thanks again.

Dave K.

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 21, 2007
Re: Bringing 85hp Force back to life?

mike, sure sounds like things are working out! i'm sure you know about frank's sticky on impeller change, straight forward & precise, i did mine by myself in about 2hrs. you could wind up w/ a very good running rig, & the price was very good too...haha. i've had great success & lots of fun w/ my set-up. this site has been great! well good luck & happy boating!!!

keep us posted. davekirk


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 23, 2008
Re: Bringing 85hp Force back to life?

The parts have arrived!!

My first impeller change this Sunday morning. Pray for me!



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 23, 2008
Re: Bringing 85hp Force back to life?


New problem!

The impeller change went smoothly enough. Took me and a buddy just under 2hrs and that was with us messing around a little. The old impeller didn't look that bad. It was a little on the dry side, but all and all looked pretty good.

Now the problem. I put the muffs on it to test out our handy work. Turned the key and nothing. It wouldn't turn over. Just click, I think the starter solinoid or starter has died. It did this a couple of weeks ago but after a few turns of the key turned over. Not anymore.

I jumped the solinoid and touched the cable to the starter dirrectly. It spun up immeadiatly. This makes me think it is the soliniod that has gone bad.

What do you think?


Sep 18, 2007
Re: Bringing 85hp Force back to life?

Go thru your starting system wiring, battery cable connections, starter solenoid wiring connections, and be sure all connections are tight and the battery is charged good! Sounds like a bad connection with the clicking! max!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 23, 2008
Re: Bringing 85hp Force back to life?

I have checked all connections. Everything seems solid. All cables are good.



Jul 25, 2008
Re: Bringing 85hp Force back to life?


Check the groud wire from the battery neg terminal to the ground point on the engine block. Mine is a bolt under the starter, not easy to get to but possible. The PTT ground wires should also be landed there. If the ground for the neg terminal is not clean and tight, the ground will try to run through the smaller wires in the harness, burning off the insulation.

If you are getting a click in the solenoid, and you can jump around the main power to the starter at the solenoid, I would replace the solenoid first.
