Hello all - <br /><br />Anyone ever repair/replace a wood transom on an aluminum hull? This is just a preliminary inquiry before I start figgern' out my winter projects.<br /><br />I have a '76 18' set up for an outboard. There is a gap now of about 1/2" between the wood transom & the aluminum transomwell/seat assembly. A couple of rivets are sheared.<br /><br />My biggest worry is that I'll have to pull the entire sheet metal transom well/seat assembly to do this - there's a whole lotta screws that just don't seem accessible without doing that.<br /><br />Also (as I'm a DIY-type), What is recommended in terms of replacement material? Do I laminate my own marine ply? Is there a source for 2-inch thick ply?<br /><br />What else should I be looking at?<br /><br />This is my first boat & I'm still trying to learn as much as I can.<br /><br />thanks,<br />Matt M