I was able to go check on our boat that is stored close to the Ticfaw river. I store it outside under a bridge and use the cover the boat was shipped in. I was lucky that the owners of the storage area came every day and checked on their customers property. My boat actualy floated off the trailer and was being held by the front strap. The owners were able to pull the boat back on to the trailer, the water level must have been just right! The cover stayed on the boat, it did fill with about a bath tub of water. I scooped the water out and adjusted the cover and secured it. I was surprised that the cover could strecth that far and not tear. The water level in the area of the boat is still about 2 feet deep and I don't know when I will be able to pull it out. We want to go out on the boat but some of this water just needs to head back out to the Gulf of Mexico quick. Hope Rooster and the rest of the folks on here from Louisiana are safe.
Oh one last thing, how do I secure the back of the boat to the trailer?
Oh one last thing, how do I secure the back of the boat to the trailer?