Add Ohio to Concealed Gun Law


May 16, 2002
Which goes into effect in the next few days..Our company has adopted a polcy of not bringing firearms into our stores and a sign has been posted to that effect..<br /><br />I totally agree with policy and no employee here is permitted to carry one..<br /><br />Yesterday a gentleman came in and handed me a card that said..."We respect your right not to have firearms in your store and you must respect our right not to shop your store anymore... At the bottom the card said that my business will be added to a national data base encouraging others not to buy at my store..<br /><br />I respect a persons right to carry firearms but to boycott a business because of its gun policy is beyond me. Is it asking to much to leave your firearm in your car while you are in my store?<br /><br />I was the first to post on my front door and many people think what I am doing is right.. I suppose many will go the other way on this new law.<br /><br />Many here know I am a vet and since my return I did not own a gun until recently when BubbaKat gave me a 50 cal. MuzzleLoader as a gift. It now hangs on my wall with the set of antlers and a Civil war hat he gave me... In my mind I know if I point at gun at someone I would not hesitate and would pull the trigger in a heartbeat. For that reason I will never carry one...<br /><br />I am curious how this gun law has effected other states that have enacted this concealed gun law?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Add Ohio to Concealed Gun Law

I don't see a problem with it.<br />I have a permit to carry one and I do most of the time, but when getting ready to enter a place of business, I will lock it in the vechicle most of the time.


May 17, 2001
Re: Add Ohio to Concealed Gun Law

Gonfishn, in a way I can understand your thinking. There are rules that the carriers must follow. There is only certain places that permit them to carry inside.<br /><br />First of all I would have all my trust in a person that has the license to carry one. The person that has been carrying it into you store anyway without you knowing about it is the one I would worry about.<br /><br />I am able to get the license to carry, but I choose not to for the same reason you don't want to carry.<br /><br />This is a way I measure trust among the public. When your driving down the road, you seem to trust the on coming vehicle to stay in his lane. Therefore you are putting trust every person on the road. Mainly because they have the license and the training to have that right to drive. Shouldn't be any difference for a person that has a license to carry.<br /><br />This is just my opinion, no harm intended. :)

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: Add Ohio to Concealed Gun Law

:) I understand that Ohio is now going to allow concealed weapons!!! <br />I can understand your policy that an employee can't bring one to work!!! I wouldn't want a dozen employees carrying!!!<br /> " But" You are difinitly infringing on a persons right to carry a concealed weapon in a public store when it is legal to do so!!!<br /><br />And you seem to be taken aback that " Joe Public " would " Boycott " your store. That's called " *** for Tat "<br /><br />Like you I'm a vetran also and many more vets out there that do and don't carry for one reason or another And on ocassion I do carry a concealed weapon. Thank god that I wasn't carrying in New York when a person tried to mug me but failed. And the only reason I wasn't carrying at the time is I didn't have a permit to carry in that state.<br /> It is one "Right " in this state of <br />Massachusetts that the liberials haven't been<br /> able to take away.<br /><br />Buy the way !What's the name of your store???!!! ;) :cool:


Nov 14, 2003
Re: Add Ohio to Concealed Gun Law

Mayfloat – the guy is absolutely right. The business you work at may choose to be firearms free, but they will be so only to the extent the criminal element decides it will be. You may presume the non-threatening gun owners with CCW’s will avoid that business but armed robber will see the posted sign as a dinner bell… “Armed Robber’s Welcome Because There Is No Armed Defense In This Establishment.” Personally, I would be looking for a more secure place to work in if the business didn’t take that sign down.


May 16, 2002
Re: Add Ohio to Concealed Gun Law

Look FlyRod I did not post this to start a gun Debate..There are times in my store that I may have four or more customers with children who don't carry..Accidents do happen no matter how careful one is..Suppose you were shopping and your child bumped into a carrier and was shot ..Wonder how you would feel? You more than likely be the first to hire an attorney and sue me for allowing guns in my store.. All I am saying is it to much to ask to leave your weapon in your car while shopping at a family orientated environment..There are many stores such as mine that will have to deal with this in the future.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 24, 2002
Re: Add Ohio to Concealed Gun Law

gonfishn, I think the man who came into your store was totally wrong with his way of thinking. There is no reason why he shouldn't respect your wishes. I have a permit to carry but don't take it into any business the same as sbn said. <br /><br />Although I sometime remember what happened in the Luby's restaurant in Killeen, TX when some nut just went around taking his time shooting people, I'm sure someone there wishes he hadn't left his. <br /><br />But I disagree about not owning one because if I point it, I'll fire it. I'm also a veteran, and I know that I will never point my weapon unless I intend to fire it.

Drowned Rat

Jan 20, 2004
Re: Add Ohio to Concealed Gun Law

Good for Gonfishn'! It's the management's choice not to allow guns in the stores. Why do you need to carry a personal firearm into a place like that anyway? Most people who carry firearms have little or no training on how to use them. All that's required in most states to get a concealed permit is a clean record. Carrying a pistol does not make you safer, in fact by simply owning a gun you increase your chances of being killed 10 fold over non-gun owners. That is a fact. A pistol being carried into a public place has only one purpose, to kill someone. Is there another reason to have a gun on you in a public place? <br /><br />OK, let's have it. :)


Master Chief Petty Officer
Oct 31, 2002
Re: Add Ohio to Concealed Gun Law

One thing I have noticed, states with Right to Carry laws seem to have less road rage, horn beeping, and finger flipping, this might have something to do with the guy you annoy being armed. <br />I live in Suffolk County NY and a carry permit ranks right up there with the Holy Grail, many seek but very few get one. The incidence of road rage, horm beeping, and finger flipping it outa control. <br />It's almost enough to make a person think. :)

Fly Rod

Oct 31, 2002
Re: Add Ohio to Concealed Gun Law

:) Guns! SEX!! and BOOZE!!! will always carry a debate!!!! ;) :cool:


May 16, 2002
Re: Add Ohio to Concealed Gun Law

18Rabbit...I have two choices here..Take my chances on someone robbing me or having a child maimed or even killed because someone forgot to put the safety on. Sorry I would take the bullet before I will let that happen


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Add Ohio to Concealed Gun Law

Deterent.<br />Self preservation.<br /><br />Almost every gun store employee is carrying, but you don't hear of shootouts at gun stores.<br /><br />I used to frequent two convenience stores in a not so good ( I mean BADDD) neighborhood, where the owners were carrying, they never got held up. But other area stores sure did. It wasn't long till these two stores were the only ones left in the area.<br /><br />I don't see anything wrong with the man giving you the card, stating his decision to shop elsewhere. You made your decision and posted the sign to tell him, he made his decision and gave you a card to tell you.<br /><br />Question, Do you plan on enforcing this rule on off duty police officers? Military personnel?<br />Or on duty police officers? Money couriers, if you use one?

11 footer

Nov 16, 2002
Re: Add Ohio to Concealed Gun Law

I'd be worryed about getting held up with a gun it I where you, now they know you are un-armed. <br /><br />I like the idea of peopleing being able to carry, but it sounds like in Ohio and some other places are giving out to many licences. <br /><br />Here to be ableto carry concealed you need a reason, like if you work in a cash buisness or something like that, and your reason must be apporved by the police chef


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 1, 2003
Re: Add Ohio to Concealed Gun Law

The way I see it your sign is not so much your decloration to support or not support the right to own firarms but rather ONLY your preferance to not have them on your premisis. This is your choice and should not affect your bottomline, remeber on the rarity that someone chooses a store on this criteria someonelse will be walking away from the store with "Firearms welcome" sign and into your store.<br /><br />As for the guy who handed you the card: he wasn't there to buy anything he was there to hand you his card. Nothing more nothing less, just another solicitor selling his beliefs.<br /><br />If you wan't your sign to be up to legal code look up the wording of posting requirments in the bill itself. When Texas enacted this there were sign posted everywhere but the majority of them did nothing legal binding. There I believe the letters had to be two inches high block letering and persuant to other restrictions. The people who carry are more likley to be aware of the requirments and may not heed your sign if it is not up to par.


Nov 14, 2003
Re: Add Ohio to Concealed Gun Law

just another solicitor selling his beliefs
I think you are on to something here. The decision to post the sign is promotion of a personal belief based in whatever. The decision to hand out the card is also a personal belief based on a different whatever. <br /><br />The only thing I have seen in this thread that is not a belief, but a fact of life, is the ringing of the dinner bell.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 1, 2003
Re: Add Ohio to Concealed Gun Law

18Rabbit, I see your point. My statment was poorly worded, what I was trying to convey to gonfishn was this. His concern was weather or not posting his sign could be harmful to his business. Within days of posting his sign a guy walks in and threatins to take his business elswhere. The guy was not there to buy anything regardless of the sign therfore what business was he taking elswhere...he wasn't there to do business in the first place. His reason to be there was purly solicitacious, So I would classify him as a solicitor( as opposed to a potential customer): someone selling his agenda. <br /><br />Is that any better?


Nov 14, 2003
Re: Add Ohio to Concealed Gun Law

Here’s a thought: you may be exposing yourself to greater potential liability by posting the sign than you are from disallowing CCW in the store…unless you have a law that specifically exempts you from any liability and you comply to the “T”. If you ring the dinner bell, a robber comes in and a family member is injured, who becomes the target of civil litigation? Hint: who has the $$$.<br /><br />The number of small children killed by accidental discharge of firearms is less than the number killed by drowning in a 5-gal bucket of ammonia and water for cleaning. 4-6 children die in buckets each year…that’s for the entire US. The fear of litigation from an accidental firearm discharge is unrealistic.<br /><br />The decision to post the sign in the store is originated in politics. Any suggestion to the contrary is disingenuous.


May 16, 2002
Re: Add Ohio to Concealed Gun Law

Since this a not in effect for a few days. The outcome will not be felt for a while. Law does say that if a gun is carried into store with a legal posting(which I have)a person can be charged with trespassing and have license revoked. Law Enforcement are exempt from this issue. The Question will I enforce it? If I have a store full of cutomers and a person walks in with a gun on his hip yes I will push my button. If Gun is concealed and I don't see it no harm done. A store that has a legal sign posted is exempt from any Liabilty. But you know how that goes with our judicial system..<br /><br />Don't judge me to quick here..Put yourselve in my shoes which I see many of you aren't. You don't have to make that decision I do..


Oct 29, 2002
Re: Add Ohio to Concealed Gun Law

Jeff you do with your store as you see fit. most people don't pay a whole lot of attention to those boycotts anyway. You know I carry constantly and when I enter your store I will respect your wishes. I can understand why you don't want firearms brought in the store.<br />Be safe my friend and don't sweat the small stuff