A couple Issues to figure out on my 1991 Celebrity 200BR 5.7


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 20, 2012

I posted a few months back about picking up a very nice shape 1991 celebrity 200br with a 5.7mer, alpha one gen2. Other than trying to pinpoint a possible low WOT rpm.. Everything else worked great. Fast forward to a couple months.

I let the boat sit unused approx. 60days towards the end of the season. I then went to take it out one more time before towing it home from the lake and the battery was dead, volt meter showed 1.6volts. I was bummed, threw the battery on the charger (battery is an everstart marine that is nearing 2years old) and went home. I came back the following weekend to install the battery and check for possible shorts or left on devices. When I got to the boat I found that the drive was all the way down. Ive never had an issue with the drive leaking down on this boat in the months I owned it. Ok So i install the battery, put the drive up and tow the thing home.
The following week I go to drain the water and winterize the boat. Battery flat dead again(only starter, trim pump power, and ground were hooked up), but lower unit was still up. (not sure why I always leave it up). I do the winterizing, I pull the battery out and head home. My friend texts me a picture 2 days later and the drive had sank to the ground, with no signs of fluid leaking around any seals.

SO... I purchase a set of those blue plastic trailering clips that attach to the trim rams and keep the drive up. After a month with those installed, I found that I now see oil residue around the top seals around the shafts coming out of the rams. The previous owner told me they always left the drive up and never had an issue with it. (I know, bad practice).

Issue #1. Bad Battery? Short from no where? Where to start?
Issue #2. Whats the deal with the trim rams?

I hope thats enough background to get some thoughts rolling. Thanks!! -Matt


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002

I posted a few months back about picking up a very nice shape 1991 celebrity 200br with a 5.7mer, alpha one gen2. Other than trying to pinpoint a possible low WOT rpm.. Everything else worked great. Fast forward to a couple months.

I let the boat sit unused approx. 60days towards the end of the season. I then went to take it out one more time before towing it home from the lake and the battery was dead, volt meter showed 1.6volts. I was bummed, threw the battery on the charger (battery is an everstart marine that is nearing 2years old) and went home. I came back the following weekend to install the battery and check for possible shorts or left on devices. When I got to the boat I found that the drive was all the way down. Ive never had an issue with the drive leaking down on this boat in the months I owned it. Ok So i install the battery, put the drive up and tow the thing home.
The following week I go to drain the water and winterize the boat. Battery flat dead again(only starter, trim pump power, and ground were hooked up), but lower unit was still up. (not sure why I always leave it up). I do the winterizing, I pull the battery out and head home. My friend texts me a picture 2 days later and the drive had sank to the ground, with no signs of fluid leaking around any seals.

SO... I purchase a set of those blue plastic trailering clips that attach to the trim rams and keep the drive up. After a month with those installed, I found that I now see oil residue around the top seals around the shafts coming out of the rams. The previous owner told me they always left the drive up and never had an issue with it. (I know, bad practice).

Issue #1. Bad Battery? Short from no where? Where to start?
Issue #2. Whats the deal with the trim rams?

I hope thats enough background to get some thoughts rolling. Thanks!! -Matt

Ayuh,.... Could the bilge pump have run the battery down,..??
If the battery was down to a volt, it's probably junk now anyways,....

As for the hyd. leak, the ram's glands are rebuildable, or ya can replace the rams,....
Merc has the rebuild kits, 'n I believe SEI sells aftermarket rams,....or used is an option,...

'n ya Know it's bad practice, so Why ya leavin' it Up all the time,..??


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 20, 2012
Well While it was on the trailer by our campgrounds during the boating season, im nervous to leave the drive down because it touches the ground. There has been times our boat has been moved to a different area by the grounds manager. SO it makes me nervous. Its up now because I trialered it home with those clips on it and a dead battery and havent got around to powering it up to let it down.

Is it common to just randomy develop sagging or weeping?


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Well While it was on the trailer by our campgrounds during the boating season, im nervous to leave the drive down because it touches the ground. There has been times our boat has been moved to a different area by the grounds manager. SO it makes me nervous. Its up now because I trialered it home with those clips on it and a dead battery and havent got around to powering it up to let it down.

Is it common to just randomy develop sagging or weeping?

Ayuh,.... Generally speakin',... All problems just suddenly randomly develop someday,......

Yer problem needs to be further investigated,.... Get a battery, 'n do some more Tests,...

Understood,... ;)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 20, 2012
haha... well I meant, sagging or weeping of the trim cylinders on their own without user inflicted damage, mistreatment or neglect :p But I gotcha. Thanks!


Chief Petty Officer
Nov 5, 2010
I recommend storing the drive down especially in winter. are your trim seals leaking or wet. You could have dirt in the trim pump valve that could cause the oil to seep back to the resevior. did you check the oil level? If you store your boat on a trailer out of the water I suggest a battery switch. Most boats have radios and computers that use minimal amounts of power that a good battery can endure if charged weekly. If the boat sits for a month unused it will wear down the battery. I recommend a marine battery switch or removing a cable when the boat is stored.


Jun 21, 2007
I disconnect the battery cable when storing the boat and keep it on a maintenance charger. If you found leaking fluid from the rams you found your problem. The SEI replacement are the cheapest way to go if they make one for your boat. Make sure that it is actually fluid leaking first though. It could be the valves in the pump failing.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 20, 2012
Thanks for the replies. The first two times that the LU sunk down on its own... no signs of weeping or fluid on the rams. BUT since Ive had the trailering blue plastic supports on the rams Ive noticed puddle of oil and weeping on both rams. I did remove them and let the drive down this last weekend. I guess we will see how it all reacts in the spring. Thanks again guys for the replies. :)


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 23, 2012
Should charge on a battery last longer than 60 days - yes. Is it surprising to find a dead battery after sitting 60 days - no.

If you don't want to deal with this surprise, either b put it on a battery maintainer or buy a new battery every 2 years.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 13, 2001
The trim system is a closed system and shouldn't ever leak. The drive should never lower by itself.

As far as your battery, take it to Napa and have them load test it. Sounds like it's toast to me.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 20, 2012
I was trying to get an impression if this sounds like ive developed a short? in 4years ive never had my marine batteries go dead just from 2 months of sitting so it kind of made me question it. Also I was hoping to get ideas of what to check on the trim system to determine if and what parts have possibly failed.
Yes I know the trim cylinders are not supposed to go down on their own, which is why im asking what to look for. Yes I know a drained battery is not good on the battery.. Thanks. :)


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 23, 2012
My $.02 is address the trim issue and just buy a new battery. If you don't want to worry about the battery ever again, but a tender on it.

81 Checkmate

Jul 20, 2010
Thanks for the replies. The first two times that the LU sunk down on its own... no signs of weeping or fluid on the rams. BUT since Ive had the trailering blue plastic supports on the rams Ive noticed puddle of oil and weeping on both rams. I did remove them and let the drive down this last weekend. I guess we will see how it all reacts in the spring. Thanks again guys for the replies. :)

That's where id start...the puddle under the rams....Sounds like the your need new cylinder seals. Get a manual and start reading or just buy new sei units.

Good luck!