650 Merc 65hp control cable help


Jun 1, 2007
I have a 65hp Merc outboard, I believe it is 1967-69 vintage with dual Kierkhaufer carbs if I remember right. It has a quicksilver shifter/controller. I just replaced my control cables as I suspected they were binding. My problem now is that the cable that controls the trans. I can only hook up when the throttle is fully forward. Then I can barely get it back to neutral and not in reverse at all. When i disconnect the cable the throttle cable moves smoothly. Is the trans stuck in a gear or should I look at the shifter internals again? Also this whole thing was an attempt to fix a problem this boat has had since my father in law bought it a few years ago. Motor runs a prop spins, but boat barely moves. Sometimes you could fiddle with the shifter and it would take off like it should. But most of the time it would just bog down and die like it fouled itself out. I suspect possibly that the distributor may not be advancing like it should and causing the lack of power? Any help would be greatly welcomed. Thanks, Tom


Jul 30, 2009
Re: 650 Merc 65hp control cable help

Hard to know what u have without more accurate year/model. Can you get a serial number or provide pics of motor ? What color is the motor ? The good o'le jobs were white at one time......man am i old...


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 6, 2008
Re: 650 Merc 65hp control cable help

Ok first things first, if you changed cables in the box, you need to reset the brass bushings on both cables. disconnect both cables, and first check if you have full range of movement from the controll box. If you didn't install the cams on the cable teeth right, then you have problems, so lets check that first. IF all that is ok, then set the handle in the middle N possition, set the motor gear in in neutral. Now lay the gear shift cable out with the fixed end, in the correct spot, (put in place with the bolt, or what ever holds it there) and check where the brass bushing lines up with the motors gear shift. Adjust brass bushing to fit that spot. As for the distributor not moving,give the grease nippples top n bottom a shot of grease, and see if it now moves the complete range. There is a link and sync thread, call, "timing of inline six's" in the repair FAQ's, go and read that thread, after you have sorted out the cables, it will help fix up your other issues.