2007 Optimax 115 LOW OIL WARNING and Idle Stalling


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Nov 5, 2009
For the past 2 Weeks been having an issue with my 07' Optimax 115hp. Its mounted to a 22' pontoon, 2 weeks ago I got the audio warning (4 long beeps every 2 minutes) for either low oil or water in fuel. I replendished the oil resiovor with almost 4 liters of 2 stroke injector oil and replaced the fuel/water filter with new. The warning did not susbside. In fear of an oil pump failure, I did not run the engine until i did a little research, and found out that it is common for the magnet on the oil level float to fail.
So, I managed to remove the oil tank (Which is extreemly difficult on the front cowl location of this model/year), and located the wire leads for the float, and mangaed to close the contact by shorting it out with a wire. The low oil warning was cleared, and I measured the resistance on the oil level sensor, and got no resistance, and just an open contact, so I now know that i need a new oil tank (which is not cheap).
Now... I kept the wire short in the harness for the time being, due to the fact that I cant get the oil tank for another 2 weeks. So I got the tank back in, made sure that there was oil in all the lines, and finally fired the motor back up.. NO ALARMS, however, I use to always see a small amout of 2 stroke exhaust.. not anymore. The burn is extreemly clean... some what tooo clean?? I dont have any alarms, and the motor isn't in Gaurdian mode.. I do know that if the oil pump failed you would get a continuous ALARM..
ALSO, on my vouage out with the pontoon boat, checking to see if the engine was about to fail on me.. She would run nicely in idle, however with a small amout of throttle and quickly back into neutral/low idle forward, she would stall on me. Also with WOT, she is only reaching about 3/4 WOT, about 4000RPM..
Could there now be another issue that I have cuased by trying to find the OIL WARNING FAULT?
Please help!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Nov 5, 2009
Forgot to mention, while running at WOT, while she was only getting to about 4000RPM, there were a few moments where she would Kick into WOT rpms, but then just as quickly fall back to 4000RPM..
I was doing a little reading online, and a lot of people have mentioned that possibly an ignition coil maybe to Fault? Would it be worth while to quickly pull the 3 plugs and check their condition?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Nov 5, 2009
No Title

I've attached an image of the 3 plugs from the engine. Left (top cyl) middle (middle cyl) right (bottom cyl) Middle seems to have been fowled, bottom seems to buring too lean? Thoughts?