1998 Yamaha 225 Compression


Apr 18, 2003
I did a compression test, all 6 were between 100-105.<br />Does anyone know what the factory compression is?<br />I have 875 hrs. I use only Yamaha oil, always use ring free, clean 02 sensor every 50-75 hrs, when I clean 02 sensor I also use engine tuner in the cylinders to cut any carbon that may have built up.<br />After engine is nice and warm, I spray the engine tuner in each cylinder and let it soak 4-6 hrs, then take it for a power ride for an hour or so then come back and install new plugs.<br />Don't forget to change your internal pencil zincs, Yammy's have 4 of them. This is one thing most never look at because they don't even know they are there.<br />Check your thermostats each year, if they are encrusted with salt, replace them, if lightly coated and working properly you can clean them.<br />Check your thermostat wells too for corrosion, I had major pitting in the port side, I cleaned it out with salt x and then further cleaned it with acetone, then did some dental work and filled the cavities with marine tek, it worked great.<br />One other lesson learned, where the wire enters your trim and tilt motor, put a bead of marine grade silicone there, on mine, salt water was entering the motor. Fortunately for me, my friend ( known here as the Elvis of the outboard) who works for the local Yamaha dealer was able to take it all apart and clean it and only have to replace the base for 200 dollars and not the complete motor for 600 dollars.<br />Does anyone know.......the life expectancy of a Yamaha 6 cylinder powerhead if you got to the extra lengths like I do to keep it in top shape and carbon free. I haven't seen Elvis all winter to ask HIM this question, but I plan to.