Hello everyone. Thanks in advance. The prior times I’ve posted I’ve had good advice. Boat is 1996 trophy 2002 with force 120. I’ve put 130 hours since i bought it. Since purchase I’ve done plugs, rebuilt the fuel pump since it was original, replaced fuel filter, added fuel water separator, replaced the lines in the hull and external to the motor (bulb too). Recently i noticed that boat just not running well low rpms. Wot 5200rpm top speed 32-33mph. I don’t keep it there much. Usually I’m in the 4200-4500 rpm range. I would come to a fishing spot and put in idle. Couple times it sputtered and died. Sometimes when idling and going into gear it seems to idle 700. In they past, when stopped for ten fifteen minutes i could crank it over and it would start immediately. Now sometimes i need to give it gas to get it started (even when warm). I just swapped the plugs again and it’s better but still seems a bit off. I did recently change the thermostat and the motor seems to be running real cool according to a temp switch mounted on the block (100 degrees but it’s external not internal). Would a faulty thermostat cause it to run too cold and rough? Water temp and air temp last few trips here in California have been cooler than when boat used to run better. Where do i start with the troubleshooting? Also to note idle sometimes is 800 in neutral and sometimes closer to 1000 which seems odd. Thank you