1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 23, 2005
Does anyone have a wiring diagram for the dash board for the Thomspon 2000 Cararra. If you need the hull number, I can go get it.

Otherwise, does anyone know where I can find it?


Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: 1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?

I doubt you are going to find one, or even if they actually made a wiring diagram for them.
Are you having a specific problem someone might be able to help you with?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 23, 2005
Re: 1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?


When I bought the boat they had the radio and speaker wires wrapped around pipe hanging strap.

Long story short, hitting waves and wakes rubbed it until they burnt with smoking coming from under the dash.

This was a lake boat from up north that they never registered down here. Everything was factory except that damn radio that I don't listen to anyway.

I immediately went for the battery and removed the hotwire.

Then after I calmed down, I saw it was only radio and speakers that were involved.

I removed all the burnt wires and was left with a large red / purple wire that I found out goes to fused leads from the battery.

It's dangling right now. I also lost the bilge and fan switch.

I don't want to just hook this red / purple wire's clip somewhere blindly.

If I remember correctly, this wire had a fuse after the stock clip.

This wire is still factory but where should it go.

Thanks. I hope I didn't confuse you.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: 1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?

Great, now we are getting somewhere. It sounds like you may have a Mercruiser engine and drive, is so what model is it?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 23, 2005
Re: 1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?

Alpha One, if you need the numbers, I'll go get them.

I'm not sure about the generation. How can I tell, or does that matter. I do know it's Alpha One for certain.


Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: 1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?

Being as it's an Alpha, that means it's an Alpha I Gen II. Just because it's newer than 91. But it doesn't say anything about it being a 4, 6 or 8 cylinder engine or anything else.
Boats, unlike cars, have engines and drives built by a different company and some companies can put in different engine/drive combinations and different companies in the same year. Don't need it for this post, but in the future a full model number or even better a serial number for your engine would help to answer specific questions.

That red/purple wire should go thru a 20A inline fuse onto the B terminal of the ignition switch. It may also tee off the switch and go to the main feed side of a fuse panel which is not the best way to get power to accessories, but has been done. Not sure how Thompson wired them exactly


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 23, 2005
Re: 1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?

OK, 6 Cylinder 4.3L.

Would this be the reason for intermintent ignitons problems?

I redid a good bit of the hot wires and still have dead power here and there to the starter. Could this be part of the case. Or during the smoking it may have hurt the switch altogether.


from what you wrote, my next move is a 20A fuse with a new inline fuse assembly and hook it to the B terminal of the ignition and the red / purple wire location problem will be fixed?


Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: 1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?

Would this be the reason for intermintent ignitons problems?

Woudn't be an intermittent problem. If the wire was disconneced, you would either have it or not.
And yes, letting the smoke out of the wiring causes things to not work.

Now that we have it that you have a V6, I guess the next move is to get an engine serial number, unless you know if you have a balance shaft in the engine or not.

From there we can determine WHICH V6 you have and how the wiring actually is supposed to be.

Long way from just wanting a Thompson dash wiring diagram isn't it.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 23, 2005
Re: 1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?

Serial Numbers -

Maybe you can tell me what I really have now.

Motor - D834402

Sterndrive - 0D861896

On the B terminal of the ignition switch, there is no factory clip waiting for this red / purple wire. Not sure if that helps.

Also, since I stated this was a lake boat, the + and - are just hooked to the wing nut on the battery.

Should I eliminate this and get the main power hooked to the posts on the battery?

Maybe a stupid question but our waters are more rough than this boat is used to.


Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: 1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?

You have the early 93 model engine without the balance shaft, with an Alpha I Gen II Drive.
What you need is a service manual for your engine and dash wiring might want to find Mercruiser manual #7 part number 90-12410.
Below is a couple of wiring diagrams that are very similar as far as the engine goes. You have an electric fuel pump not shown in the wiring diagram. In the dash wiring you will also have a neutral safety switch in the Yellow/red wire going to the shifter, and possibly a kill switch in the purple wire between the switch and the engine. Usually close the the shifter with a lanyard on it.
Everything must be tight. Throw the wing nuts away and use regular nuts and a wrench on the battery terminals.




Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 23, 2005
Re: 1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?

Your a great person to have around Don S.

You had me buy the mercruiser manual for my other V-6.

I wonder if this is the manual for this engine also?

Well, it states right inside OB773243 - OF000000

I suppose my OD falls right in there. Am I correct on this and have the right manual infront of me?

This is awesome, thanks Don.

I'll print this out and fix my problem.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: 1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?

Sounds like the right engine manual, look at the cover, does it say #7 on it? Look at the page 1A-1 what does it show.
I have no idea what drive you had on your other boat, but this drive takes manual #14. Here is a link to a free online manual.



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 23, 2005
Re: 1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?

I have MerCruiser Manual # 7

and I just got back from NAPA with my inline fuse parts.

I'll get the hard copy for the sterndrive very shortly.

This boat is in pretty nice condition, if I put it away like that everytime I use it, and do the services on it as required, it may live in the salt ok until I can get another fishing boat.

I soaked a good bit of the engine compartment down with Corrosion Block. At $20 a can, I hope it's the first step in keeping things blue in there and not rusted.

Thanks again, I'll get to the wiring a bit later today. I try not to work on the boat until everything else is done.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 23, 2005
Re: 1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?

OK, I have everyting but the bilge working now. I'm hoping it has a water sensor or something so it doesn't turn on dry.

I lifted the handle to it and it didn't come on. Running the inline fuse fixed the horn that they said never worked, the blower, the nav lights, and wipers.

Only thing left not firing was the bilge pump. A job for tomorrow.

The boat hasn't been taking on water so I'm going fishing.



Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 18, 2006
Re: 1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?

Hate to be a damper, but I would not advise taking any boat out without a working bilge pump. Happened to me once (didn't know it was inoperative 'til I NEEDED it) & came this close | | to sinking. Crap happens out there - weird stuff you'd never think was possible. I didn't get from your first post - does the bilge pump have a switch on the instrument panel for manual operation AND a float switch?


Vice Admiral
Oct 19, 2003
Re: 1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?

I'm with Stevieray on this one - you don't want to be on the water with an inoperable bilge pump.. of SOME sort. I too had a close call years ago on a small tri-hull. I now keep a big manual pump onboard in addition to the regular electric pump.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 23, 2005
Re: 1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?

I filled the bilge with water before I left and it worked fine. So did the lights, blower, and everything else that was suppose to from the dash. Plus I changed some wing nuts into stainless nuts and washers.

This boat hasn't seen water like this. This time out all went well. Only thing I have left to do is corrosion proof my connections in the engine compartment. A dab of siclicome over everything that I've tightend will go along way.

I do have a few other things left but not much. For a 13 year old boat, everything is factory, clean, and running nicely.

Thanks for all the help.

As for the AM / FM Radio CD Player that caused all this mess, it twirled at least 10 feet in the air before hitting the asphalt. I never did have a use for music when I fished.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 18, 2006
Re: 1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?

As for the AM / FM Radio CD Player that caused all this mess, it twirled at least 10 feet in the air before hitting the asphalt. I never did have a use for music when I fished.

Nice throw! Glad to hear all is now "ship shape".


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 23, 2005
Re: 1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?

Don S. if you come back around, is there a full sterndrive manual at boatfix.com

i cant get past the cover with this link you supplied above


i don't have a particular problem i'd like to read it if it's online.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: 1993 Thompson 2000 Dash Wiring Diagram?

That is the full manual, you just have to look around and click on the different sections.
Once you go to that link you posted, look at the red box around the words (Sterndrive Units, Alpha I, Generation II) Notice the red line around it? Notice how your cursor changes shape inside it. Well, put your cursor inside the box and click. The page that follows is the index. Notice the red boxes around A,B,C sections on the left side click them to download that section.
Some are large and take a while to load.
If you understand .pdf files and Adobe Acrobat reader, then you should know how to save them to your computer so you don't have to open a web page each time you want to view the manual.