1968 Chrysler restoration

Dec 12, 2010
The other thread got closed and i need help so i started this one. I ripped out the middle beam that you saw in the previous pics. so near the middle back i got the beam out. and i found there being a a piece of plywood 2 inches fiberglassed in. i will get rid of it and be putting stringers in. since i can't get the front part of the beam out i will leave it in. Also what do you think of me making a driving deck and than the back half step down a bit so it's a lower deck and better for fishing. Leave the front part the hight it is and lower the back half i can get to.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 26, 2010
Re: 1968 Chrysler restoration

I think you should rebuild the boat just how it was made originally. These boats weren't just thrown together when they were first made. Every decision in how that boat was made had a purpose. The engineers who designed that boat knew what they were doing way more so than any 15 year old so your best bet is to rebuild it as if it were brand new and not make any modifications that render useless all the time and work that was put into designing it originally.
Dec 12, 2010
Re: 1968 Chrysler restoration

i have to work around a beam that the previous owner put in the boat that i can't get out so either i make stringer that hight and keel the 1.5 inside freeboard or drop the back part were i will be fishing and other stuff back there and have 3-4' of freeboard on the in side


Jul 25, 2010
Re: 1968 Chrysler restoration

is the hole in the keel below the beam(stringer) that you cant remove? why cant you remove that (beam,stringer,2x4)? I tried fixing my keel with a waterweld patch from the outside IT FAILED ,then i tried cloth it worked for a little while but i was so unsure of the patch i dry docked her half way through the season because i did not want to hurt myself or my guests good luck
Dec 12, 2010
Re: 1968 Chrysler restoration

i can get to were the keel is were the hole is i just bought a grinder and will grind it to day and than fiberglass it and gel coat over that. theres a 2x4 beam that i can't get out because i can't get the front deck out and i really don't need to so i won't. i can fix the hole.