12 Footer and all mercury experts


Jun 18, 2001
I couldn't get my 1973 mercury 50hp to fire.12 footer, I checked the control box like you suggested and found every wire in the box <br />naked and corroided from age.I think the neutral switch wasn't making,but everything is going have to be replaced from the looks of it.I tried stripping the wire back but the wire is bad almost all the way back.Does anyone have a suggestion,or does anyone know how much a new cable and switches would cost.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: 12 Footer and all mercury experts

O man, Esnic...I hate when that happens. <br />There is a product in most good auto parts stores called "Liquid Tape". The stuff is ammazing for that sort of damage. However, if the wires did short together, the box is proly toast.<br />But this liquid tape goes on with an included brush (can is like a small can of PVC glue). It is thick, but drips all over. You can build-up a very thick insulation by painting it on,letting it set, then adding another,letting it set, and so on.<br />Can't hurt to give it a try.It's cheaper than a used switchbox. <br />Good luck.