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    I need a big favor from you guys. I am getting ready to replace my water pump on my 125hp force motor. This will be the first time. Can somebody scan a copy of the instructions in their manual and email them to me. I have a manual, but it does not have very good instruction for this...
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    I have an Escort Trailer and on the back of the trailer it does not have a crossbar to hook my transom saver to. Does anybody know where I could purchase a crossbar to install on my trailer. Any help would be appreciated.
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    Cabela Transom Saver

    I was interested to know if anybody has bought a Transom Saver from Cabela's. I do not have a crossbar on my trailer to hook a normal Transom Saver too. My crossbar is up under the boat and not accessible to a normal transom saver. I got on Cabela's website and noticed they have a transom...