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  1. L

    need help with wiring to battery

    i need help connecting my wires on my boat. i put the two wires with the fuses on the positive post and two other two with no fuses to the negative post. but the bow lights work but not the sten light theres a two toggle switches but both work with the bow light only. i know one for the bow...
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    vexilar flashers

    has anyone used the fl18 vexilar flasher on there boat for open water i checked there website find it very interesting. and can be used on ice too. they say it's better then a fishfinder because it's in real time. i live in colorado so it would work for me on ice & open water.please tell me if...
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    led lights

    i want to change my lights to led lights can i just change the bulbs on my boat or do i have to change the wiring too all the wiring is done on it for regular lights. it's a 14 sea nymph aluminum boat. i know that leds draw less battery power than regular lights that's why i want to change them...
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    what size of battery

    i have a sea nymph 14 ft aluminum boat with a 1972 mercury 9.8 hp motor. i want to run my stern lights & bow lights with a fish finder what size of battery do i need to run this when night fishing. and can i put a battery charging system on there i don't think my motor can charge it. and wiil...
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    speed for a 9.8 hp

    what's the fastest speed a 1972 mercury 9.8 hp motor will go and the slowest speed just want to know. and one more question how long will a 6 gallon tank of gas last on a lake 1/2 a day or all day
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    rookie boater needs help

    this is a 1972 mercury 9.8 hp 110 thunderbolt motor. first question is this picture of my gear shifter and dose it have reverse, neutral, and forward or is it just reverse and forward. and how will i change gears. second picture this is missing a rubber cover do i need to get one before i put...
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    boat lights no battery

    i got a boat about 1 month ago i haven't got a battery for it can i hook up a battery charger to it to see if my lights work or will it blow the fuse. also what wire goes were there's a red one with fuse & a yellow one with a fuse too. and two white wires i don't know were they go. my charger is...
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    just changed lower unit oil need help

    i just changed the lower unit gear lube oil and put back the small screw and when tightening it. it just kept turning never tightening up like it was striped is it suppose do that. no fluid is coming out. also when i change it little fluid came out but it was not milky here's a picture of the...
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    which repair manual is best

    1. clymer 2. seloc 3. factory manual has to have pictures on repairs & up to date . i'm going to buy one for a 1972 mercury kiekhaefer 110 thunder bolt ignition. were do i get one at a fair price. don't want one that has mistakes on it thanks for the infor
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    lower unit gear lubricant

    how do you change the lower gear unit lubricant i don't know what to do. it's a 1972 mercury 9.8hp motor. can some one show me pictures of it being done. and is super tech gear lube good to use or a better brand then that. please help were is the hole to change the gear lube at. and how much do...
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    what gas is better for 9.8 hp

    what octane of gas will be better for a 1972 mercury kiekhaefer 110 thunderbolt ignition 9.8 hp motor. 1. regular 85 2. plus 87 3. premium 91 all info welcome very new to boating so i don't know much
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    trailer plug need help

    i got this plug for my trailer to replace my old plug but the new plug has only four wires and the old one has five wires how do i connect them or do i have to go back return them back. here's a picture of the wires
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    what this parts called

    i need help telling me what this parts are from my motor and how to use them thanks to all that help me before i got two more pictures but only let me do 6 of them
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    need help identifying this parts

    can't upload my pictures to this forum can i e mail somone my pictures so they can help me
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    need to know year of motor

    hi new to this site & new to boating just got me a old mercury kiekaefer 110 thunderbolt ignition 9.8 hp motor want to know what year it is. this my first motor boat so i know nothing about boats so please help me. here's the serial number for it 3266776 . and what spark plug do i use for it &...