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  1. J

    Oil change for 1968 Johnson Surfer II

    I have a 1968 Johnson Surfer II with the Buick 283 and I am wondering what weight oil I should use in it. Am I off base by using a 20w50? Or should I go lighter than that?
  2. J

    Long time viewer, first time poster

    So, I didn't realize I signed up for this forum so long ago. I just finally bought my own (project) boat. For years I have been using my parents boats. They have a 1999 Four Winns Sundowner 205 and a Cobia 174cc (don't know the year). Now I am the proud owner of a 1968 Johnson Surfer 210. I will...
  3. J

    Replacing a sea drive with a conventional O/B

    I have a 1989 Wellcraft 210 Coastal with a 1988 2.0L OMC Seadrive. I want something with more kick to it and I was wondering what I would like to do is put a 1989 Johnson 225 on the boat. The new motor is obviously not a seadrive. Is this possible without spending a ton of money or should I keep...